
Craft Thursday: Sunflower Treasure Box

Now that Spring is here kids love nothing more than exploring outdoors and saving all of the neat things they find.

For our craft this week we have made a Sunflower Treasure Box for your child to keep all of their prized possessions safe.

For this craft you will need:

  • a circular cardboard box with a lid
  • a sheet of yellow felt
  • 10 brown pompoms
  • glue (bottle or glue gun)
  • green paint
  • white paint
  • scissors (not shown)
  • 8 rhinestone embelishments

for the bee you will need:

  • 2 google eyes
  • yellow pompom
  • a black pipe cleaner
  • a small piece of white felt

Step 1: Paint the bottom of the box with the green paint.

Step 2: Paint the lid with the white paint

Both pieces painted

Step 3: Cut out your petals (7 in total). Don’t worry if they are different sizes, it will give the flower character.

Step 4: Glue your petals onto the top of the box using either the tacky glue or a glue gun. (If you are using a stiffer felt a glue gun is recommended.)

The first row of petals glued on

Step 5: Cut and glue on the second row of petals (6 in total). These petals should be a bit smaller than the
the first row and should be staggered to fill in the gaps.

Step 6: Glue on the brown pompoms. You can use them to cover up any gaps there may be in the middle of the flower.

Step 7: Add the embelishments onto the side of the box. If you are doing this craft with little ones you can use stickers instead on rhinestones.

The Bee:

To make the bee cut a 2 inch piece of pipe cleaner and wrap it around the yellow pompom. Glue the google eyes into the end and then cut a small piece of white felt for wings.

Glue the Bee onto the flower and you have a Sunflower Treasure Box!

Different coloured felt with white pompoms can be used if you want to make Gerbera daisys instead on Sunflowers.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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