A ten month old Chinese baby boy, Lei Lei, has taken the form of the iconic Michelin Man, weighing in at 44 lbs. His current stature is the same as a six year old boy, making him the second largest baby on record – with the largest baby, from Meerut, India, weighing 49 pounds at the same age.
Lei Lei’s mother said that at birth the toddler’s weight was not an issue, he was a normal baby boy. She blames his abnormal weight gain on her son’s insatiable appetite.
“No matter what he grabs, he unconsciously puts it in his mouth. His favorite thing is to eat”.
His mother Cheng Qingyu has trouble lifting her 44 lbs baby boy, holding him in her arms has become quite the feet of strength.
Lei Lei is currently undergoing tests at a hospital in Yiyang, to see if Doctors can tie his abnormal weight gain to a medical condition. – Jeff, Staff Writer
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