Just a couple weeks after Louisiana resident LaQueena Hunter Grover debuted her 14lb bundle of joy, an Australian mom has given birth to a 13lb 4oz baby – naturally!
Natashia Corrigan delivered baby Brian Junior at the Mercy Hospital on Tuesday morning, with staff amazed at the supersized bundle’s size.
“I dreamed of a little fat baby,” The new mom told the Australian newspaper. “I’ve always wanted a little fat baby and I’ve got a big one!”
Doctors warned Natashia her baby would be on the heavier side when he measured close to 9lbs at the 36-week mark.
Arriving 5 days past her due date, Brian Jnr may be the heaviest baby born in Victoria.
“I think I was in a bit of shock because the birth was natural and I only had gas so I was still in a bit of shock just from that,” Natashia said.
No newborn diapers this guy! Brian has already moved into stage 2 diapers and size zero clothing.
Dad Brian Liddle said he was happy his son arrived safely and said the family was “blessed” by the delivery.
He joins Natasha’s daughters who were born weighing 8lb 4oz and 7lb 12oz.