A month ago a South Carolina website covered a story about a couple that was expecting quintuplets.
They had some quirky story about meeting online, finding love, and then finding out they were expecting septuplets. The woman then went on to say that she had lost two of the babies and was now only expecting quintuplets.
The photo in the story showed the couple standing outside their double wide with their arms around each other. They were appealing to the public to help them buy some supplies for the new bunch, even listing their personal phone number at the end of the article.
I went back and forth about covering the story and then decided to let it go because there was something off about it. It seemed weird, almost desperate to me that the couple had listed their personal phone number.
Nancy Cantu and her boyfriend Juan Solis were arrested by the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office at their home around 7:30 pm Monday. The Sheriff’s Office has been investigating the couple after their claim of having the quintuplets gained large amounts of media and community attention.
It was through this investigation that authorities say they discovered the couple’s claims were false.
The couple was asking for money and other donations for their expectant children. Deputies say they received anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 in gifts and money and could face up to five years in prison if convicted for this felony charge.
In related news, the Missouri mother that claimed she was having sextuplets has been sentenced to 4 years in jail for failing to pay restitution and missed several probation violation hearings. This crazy woman got as far as faking the actual births of the babies.
You can’t fake having a birth that is usually attended by 50 medical professionals.