Amazing Baby Stories

Toddler Saves Baby Brother’s Life

Two year old, Aaron Winters is being called a hero after his quick thinking save the life of his six month old baby brother.

The toddler, who is just beginning to speak, woke his mother Kim Winters around 7 am after his baby brother Samuel had changed position in his cot and was trapped inside the covers.

Kim recalls that Aaron was shouting, “Mummy, mummy, baby, mummy!”

“He was so tightly under them that he could not cry or move and I feared the worst as I untangled him,” she adds.

Thanks to Aaron’s quick thinking Samuel was unharmed.

“I hugged Aaron so much, he was a real hero and only a baby himself. He didn’t realise what an amazing thing he had just done,” said Kim.

She adds that her alarm usually goes off at 7.30 am when she gets up to get her eldest daughter Faith ready for school and if Aaron had not woken her, she fears Samuel would have not survived.

With the worst over she says this should warn other parents too to be more vigilant and follow the ‘feet to foot’ pattern of cot sleeping, meaning to place the baby in such a way that his/her feet are facing the foot of the cot, but are not touching the end of the cot.

“Thinking back it was such a close call. He is still only a baby himself with limited vocabulary but his actions really saved the day. He was able to get me up because he knew something was wrong.”

“I am so proud of him.”

– Atula, Staff Writer

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About the author


Atula is a writer, traveler, and a nature-lover. She is also mom to a boy who seems to have inherited all her creative genes. When Atula is not busy making up stories with her son, she writes for numerous magazines, websites, and blogs. She is also working on her site on endangered species called

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