
Health Officials Urge Pregnant Women To Get Flu Shot

The flu season is alive and well, and health officials are urging pregnant women to get the flu shot this year to protect themselves and their unborn children.

Women who are pregnant are nearly four times more likely to be hospitalized from the flu virus than non-pregnant women. This is partially because the strain of pregnancy can lower a woman’s natural defenses and make her body more susceptible to illness. This year, health officials from the Department of Health have urged pregnant women to make sure they have their flu shot to protect them.

Giving the flu vaccine to pregnant women has been controversial and unclear. Some doctors have refused or advised against the flu vaccine to women who are pregnant. However, the top officials are saying it is more dangerous for many to catch the flu virus than to receive the shot against it.

The H1N1 flu virus is still circulating this year, and is one of the predominant virus strains this year. Women who has received last year’s pandemic flu vaccine still need to be vaccinated again this year to prevent illness from happening. In the UK, there have already been 20 flu-related deaths that are thought to be linked to the H1N1 virus. Another 200 people are critically ill from the virus.

Pregnant women should have their yearly flu shot as soon as possible to protect themselves and their unborn children. – Summer, staff writer

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About the author


Summer is a mom of three, living life in the slow lane along historic Route 66. She writes, homeschools, gardens, and is still trying to learn how to knit.

1 Comment

  • “I can’t think of anything more insane than vaccinating pregnant women.”
    Dr Russell Blaylock MD, USA

    Indeed. Clearly, doctors who recommend flu shots for pregnant women (and any other vaccines for newborn or any other babies)) have lost the plot, because on the one hand they advise pregnant women to abstain from coffee, alcohol and cigarettes to prevent harm to the unborn baby, while on the other they think nothing of injecting pregnant mothers, newborns and other babies with a brew of toxic chemicals including mercury, aluminium and formaldehyde because they have been programmed to believe that this will prevent infectious diseases. Unfortunately, most doctors and most parents can’t see the wood for the trees and actually subscribe to such nonsense.

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