
Five-Week-Old Molly Campbell Starts Chemotherapy Treatment

As of Monday Molly Campbell, a five-week-old who was diagnosed with leukemia, has begun to receive her first round of chemotherapy treatment.

We first reported on New Years Eve that Molly was taken to the B.C. Children’s Hospital by helicopter on Christmas Eve after tests revealed that she had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a cancer of the white blood cells.

Friend of the family and spokesperson Paul Pearson told the media yesterday,

“It’s injections of medication that will kill, hopefully, all of the leukemia cell. But the side effect is that it also kills a great many of the body’s other cells. Dave and Rebekah are being told that it’s going to be a very rough ride this week because the chemo will have the result of making Molly nauseous and give her nerve pain. They are being told to expect 24-hour crying”.

The tiny baby will have to undergo thirty consecutive days of chemotherapy during the first round of treatment.

Molly’s parents Dave and Rebekah have been working hard to balance her diagnosis, while trying to keep life normal for their four other children.

Because the Campbells live in Victoria, the couple has been told their family size will make it difficult for them to stay at the Ronald McDonald House or other family support facilities in the area.

“They haven’t decided where they’re going to be living or what they’re going to be doing because, of course, they’re still in complete shock over the whole thing”.

Jason Loo, a close family friend has created a website that was designed to update the public of Molly’s condition. Well wishers have been steadily commenting on the site, giving the family their support. These words of encouragement from people around the world have been a source of strength for the Campbells in their time of need.

The couple updated their site this afternoon after Molly’s second round of chemo saying,

Molly is chugging a bottle right now in Rebekah’s arms while getting her second round of Chemo. She is still eating very well. We just had a very good chat with one of our nurses and the future is still very cloudy. Dr. Schultz had told us last week to not plan too far ahead but that is so difficult for us. Having the hope that so many prayers and possative thoughts have given us, we want to start planning Molly’s 5th birthday party NOW!

Many members of the community have come forward to help raise funds to help the family through this tough time.  On January 9th Mason McQuarrie, a local Boston Pizza owner, is planning  a fundraising event at the restaurant.

“We’re donating all tips for that day, and the staff is donating wages and we’re going to match them. Also $5 from every large pizza we sell that day is going to the family”.

A bottle drive is also planned for January 9th,were the public is welcome to drop off cans and bottles.

Our thoughts are with the Campbells. Please leave a comment on their site if you have a quote that you think will keep their spirits up.

– Jeff, Staff Writer

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