Celebrity Kids

Pete Wentz Spends Quality Time With Bronx In Beverly Hills

Rocker Pete Wentz was seen out in Beverly Hills on Tuesday, January 18, with his son Bronx Mowgli. The two were seen making a stop at the doctor’s office before dad took his son for some fun at the park.

Look for Pete to help coach a team via Twitter for the Twitter/Mercedes-Benz/Super Bowl race.

For the event, which starts on February 2nd, he will coach a team traveling between Chicago, Illinois to Dallas, Texas! If his team is the first arrive in Dallas, they will win a pair of new 2012 Mercedes Benz C-Class Coupes!

Pete Wentz and son Bronx

Pete Wentz and son Bronx

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About the author

Regina Avalos

Regina Avalos is a pop culture fan that loves writing about entertainment. Her focus is movies and television, and she currently lives in the state of Arizona.

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