The baby, named Frieda, was born on November 7 measuring 11 inches, weighing 460 grams.
The tiny baby’s mother, who has asked not to be identified, experienced problems in the 15th week of the pregnancy and was admitted to hospital in an attempt to reverse early labour. Unfortunately doctors were only able to stop labour for a short time before the babies arrived.
Originally Frieda was one-half of a set of twins but her brother Kilian died a few days after being born.
A doctor on duty said that “there is no foreseeable risk of after-effects for the moment” and that the little girl “should develop normally like any other child.”
Professor Reinald Repp, director of the paediatric clinic, told the newspaper that her survival was “a miracle” because generally babies born before 22 weeks have no chance because their lungs, heart and brain are not sufficiently developed.
“Frieda was kept in a completely sterile environment, with her breathing assisted and fed through her navel,” he said.
Freida, who now weighs 7.7 pounds, has now been given the okay to leave the clinic in Fulda, western Germany, in the next few days.
In the past year there has been a lot of controversy over hospitals not resuscitating babies born before the ‘golden’ 24 weeks. In the last 5 years we have covered hundreds of micropreemies that have fought to survive after arriving way too soon. I applaud this hospital for giving this baby a chance. On some occasions they can’t resuscitate because the baby is too underdeveloped and too small for breathing tubes to be inserted. Last year a German baby survived weighing a mere 9.7 ounces, which was a record for the country.
Frieda’s survival matches the previous record held by Canadian James Gill, who was also born 21 weeks and five days early, in 1987.
Related Articles:
- The 23 Week Controversy
- Doctors Work To Save Baby Born With Heart Outside His Body
- Love, Luck and Care Help Baby Born at 23 Weeks Survive
I cannot show a photo because, Florida DCF aka CPS targeted my baby born at one pound,eight ounce, 751 grams at five months early. I am so blessed and so are YOU! Unfortunately, DCF moved in on my life destroying a Loving,nurturing,caring,safe, Christian single mother on ” false pretenses’ While mychild at the age of three was in Medical foster care due to Organic FTT- failure to thrive feeding disorder, the MFM “Best friend” of the Guardian ad litem conspired and sabatoged,tampered with my documents. In visitation DCF Pediatricians were prescribing and drugging my baby at the age of three and half in pre-k with two combined ADULT PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS “CELEXA and LEXAPRO” strictly for ADULTS ONLY! So thye can get “Huge Kickbacks” by experiencing drugs with my Only baby! God Help THEM! After I recieved my transcritpts finding out that myself(me-mom) and the court had no knowledge or gave a consent to give or prescribe these deadly drugs so they could accomplish an adotpion goal after reunification was changed to TPR- Adoption for the medical foster mother sister. I am so devastated,heartbroken,angry, and cry everyday listening to every ambulance that goes by, because they also hid my child was ruched to the ER four times due to these Adult deadly Drugs, NOt studied or APPROVED!
God Bless!!!
Be Thankful,God has given you a Gift and Miracle,please be the best mom you can be like I was/ will always BE! SOMEDAY!