
Prince Lionheart Announces ‘The Great bébéPOD Exchange’

In the wake of the latest CPSC warning on the Bumbo Babyseat Prince Lionheart has introduced “The Great bébéPOD Exchange”. Designed to help position infants to sit early the BUMBO is viewed as a safety risk because it doesn’t have a belt to hold babies in. So when it is placed on tables, countertops, chairs or other raised surfaces young babies are at risk to fall out and could get seriously hurt.

Announced on the Prince Lionheart facebook page the company is offering parents a like for like exchange for their bébéPOD when you return your Bumbo to them. They say,

If given a choice between a foam seat with a safety strap and a foam seat without a safety strap for our baby, we would choose the SAFE alternative, right??!! Here is a chance to make a choice as a parent – This is BIG- simply send us your strapless Bumbo® Baby Seat and we will exchange it, FREE of charge, for the bébéPOD® flex featuring the dual strap system. NO JOKE!!! (You can find all details at the left of our screen where it says “The Great bebePOD Exchange”.

The only charge that parents will incur will be costs to ship the Bumbo to Prince Lionheart.

In order to take advantage of this offer parents are asked to:

1) Return your Bumbo to: The Great bébéPOD Exchange – 2421 S.Westgate Rd, Santa Maria, CA 93455
2) Print and complete the RETURN SLIP and send it in with your baby chair.
3) Wait patiently. We will do our best to ship you a new bébéPOD flex within a week.
4) Eagerly await the package in the mail.
5) Receive package and put your mind at ease.

To qualify for the exchange, please check the following criteria:

1) The seat must be an ALL FOAM infant seat
2) The seat must not be torn, chewed or visually distressed

Non – Qualifying Seats (these products will not be exchanged)

1) Foam Booster Seats
2) Hard Plastic Seats
3) High-chairs of any kind
4) Any other infant seat that is NOT all foam

** Non-qualifying seats that are shipped to us will not be returned. They will be recycled if possible, or disposed of.

In order to keep costs in check this program is only able to families who live in the continental U.S.

Any questions or concerns?  Please send all inquiries to

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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