Marnie Lindberg, 35 was due on December 29 with her third child after daughters Katie, 7, and Ellie, 5. But the Aurora mom welcomed Natalie Thomas Lindberg on December 25 instead.
“All the ultrasounds said she was due on Dec. 29, so I was a little in denial when my water broke on Christmas Eve,” she said. “I was just hoping I could wait and be here to do Christmas morning with the girls, but you don’t really get a vote in these things.”
When Marnie’s contractions became consistent she and her husband Brett, 37 headed for the Edward Hospital in Naperville leaving the girls under the care of grandpa and grandma.
“I woke up and was wondering where my mom and dad were,” Katie said. “I went downstairs and asked my grandma and grandpa, and they said they were at the baby hospital. We got to go there and see baby Natalie.”
“This certainly was not planned — away in a manger, away in a maternity ward?” the mom said. “We are just so blessed. We have these three little Christmas angels. It was meant to be.”
The family has in fact a tradition to celebrate birthdays early in December by going to the Wisconsin Dells with some family friends so as to make the holiday season less hectic.
“We talk a lot about how you don’t always celebrate your birthday on your actual birth date.”Marnie said.
This year the couple was also prepared for Christmas time delivery with the due date close by.
“We have been ready for Christmas, knowing that we could go at any time,” she said. “We are lucky and blessed with generously spirited friends and family who are very thoughtful and aware of our predicament.”
But for Marnie the greatest gift was an easy labor.
“It was actually a really easy labor, so that was a wonderful gift,” Marnie said. “We feel richly blessed with sweet Natalie. The girls are over the moon in love with her. It’s very sweet.”
The family’s Christmas from now on becomes ‘triply’ special.
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