Pregnancy Pregnant Celebrities

Tori Spelling Is Hoping #4 Will Be A Boy

Currently 5 months pregnant with her fourth child, Tori Spelling revealed to Rachel Ray in an interview that will air Wednesday that she is hoping to even it out at the McDermott residence with a baby boy.

“We would like a little boy, and Stella…she’s now a middle child and when we told her about the pregnancy she said ‘I hope it’s a little boy for Liam,'” Tori says.

Liam, 5, and Stella, 3, were “over-the-moon and super excited” when the actress and her husband Dean announced they were expecting Hattie, but with the new baby they were less surprised.

“It was as if we had said, ‘Oh we got milk today,” The reality star told Rachel. “We brought home milk today and put it in the fridge and you can go help yourself to a glass.'”

Dean, it appears, is very proud of his latest accomplishment.

“Well, my husband got really lucky that night and then I got lucky. He’s feeling real proud of himself,” Spelling admits to Ray. “He’s like a fluffed up chicken. Women walk by and he’s like, ‘Don’t walk too close to me — I’ve got the batter.'”

They should both be impressed.  The new baby was conceived just a month after they welcomed their third child.  Clearly there are bigger forces working here.  It was meant to be!

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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