Once more rescuers arrived on the scene they worked to get several tenants out of the building. But after going to the door, Mary found the apartment was too full of smoke to get her and her daughter out safely. For them, there was only one way out – through the second story window of their apartment.
“The police told me to bust a window open and drop my daughter down, then I would have to come down after her,” Mary told NBC Chicago News. “It seemed like a dream, like this happens in movies.”
As scary and bizarre as dropping her daughter from the window may have seemed, Mary did exactly what the officers told her, and in just seconds, her daughter was resting safely in the arms of the officers below.
“I just wanted to make sure that she was safe,” Mary said. “So I just hurried up and, you know, gave her to the police so that she would get out of the house.”
“It’s Easter Sunday, and for us to come up on such a large fire in this apartment building and get everyone out safely, I’m very proud of them,” Lyons Police Commander Brian Kuratko told NBC Chicago News.
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