Featured Parenting

Mess Happens When You’re A Parent!

If you are a parent then you know mess happens. In fact around this house mess happens every day.  Spilled hot chocolate down the back of the couch, beet juice on my living room carpet and chicken noodle soup all over my dining room cushions. My little artists also find canvasses everywhere in my house.

Couch art


and dessert is never meant to be eaten with a fork.

eating cake

I honesty wish I could have captured more of our epic disasters so that I could look back and laugh, but unfortunately the shock of the whole situation overtook and caused me to fly into action; hoping and praying I could reverse the consequences.

When my boys were born I would keep them in a cot beside my bed so that I could feed and change them quickly in the middle of the night. Because my husband had to get up early for work I would try to do this with the assistance of a tiny flashlight that I would hold in my mouth as I changed my little ones bums in the dark. As I got the procedure down a bit better I cut the flashlight out and would do the whole routine by feel. That was until the night, my youngest pooped all over me during a 2am feed. Sadly, this was not the last time I would be pooped on or at.

To celebrate some of life’s less than perfect moments Clorox has come up with a parent friendly dictionary called the Ick-tionary.  In it they have put together some words that define some of life’s messy moments.

Some I can relate to are:

  • De-Icing – Removing icing from a child’s shirt after a birthday party(above).
  • Foop – Baby puts foot in soiled diaper and it gets all over floor
  • Grab Gag – Catching vomit in your hands
  • Twosie – Poop from the diaper that gets on the onesie

Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes For most unexpected disasters good old fashioned soap and water is the perfect solution, but on some occasions I have needed something with a little more power.

To tackle a poo-splosion (when your newborn covers the changetable, changepad and sometimes wall with poop) I always go a little stronger and use Clorox’s disinfectant wipes because I am not messing with fecal matter.  They are convenient and also perfect for sanitizing dirty surfaces before diaper changes at the airport or park.

You can never predict when mess will happen, nor can you forsee when an epic kid moment will occur.  But having a good attitude and the right products can ease the pain.

This post is brought to you by The Clorox Company. I have partnered with them to spread the word about Clorox’s Ick-tionary program. To share Ick-tionary terms and real life messes, visit www.icktionary.com. All opinions and stories are my own.


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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