Premature Birth

25 Week Baby Survives Unexpected Toilet Bowl Birth

When Tamara Richardson’s water broke at 21 weeks doctors told her that if the baby arrived before 23 weeks he would have little chance of survival.

25 Week Baby Survives Unexpected Toilet Bowl Birth
So for 16 days the mom-to-be sat patiently on bedrest before being transferred to a women’s hospital. Then in preparation for the baby’s possible early arrival, she was moved again to a hospital with better facilities a mere three hours before her son made his unexpected arrival.

During a trip to the toilet, without and warning or contractions, baby Kian arrived, landing it the bowl.

“I didn’t even know he had come out. I panicked and pressed the emergency button,” she said.

When nurses arrived, they scooped him out of the toilet and cut the cord.

They then gave him adrenalin to get his heart going and resuscitated him – it took a harrowing seven minutes, but he came through.

Arriving at just 33cm long (the length of a ruler) and 695 grams, the little baby definitely has a long way to go.

But now 3 weeks old, has already survived a lung infection and needs blood transfusions every few days.  Brain scans show there is no damage and he is perfectly formed.

Doctors figure that he still faces another four months in the humidity crib until his weight reaches 1.8kg.

“We are not really safe until he hits 32 weeks,” Mr Richardson said.

When he does come home, the family, including big sister Ayla, 2, is planning a big party and so they should. Not only has he survived arriving 15 weeks early, but he didn’t get the quick intervention that most preemies get on arrival.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • hi there!

    im his mummy and wanted to thankyou all for the support and interest in our little man!

    Kian was born at 23 weeks and is going to be a tough little fighter!

  • I think parents, doctors and midwives need to be informed of the real facts before they resuscitate very premature babies.
    Is it really fair to the child? Being forced to stay alive, in pain & discomfort, then grow up to have permanent serious disabilities, mental and physical.
    Sure there are a slim few that turn out fine, but this is very rare below 25 weeks.
    Australia should follow The Netherlands lead.

    Have a quick read of “Do Kids That Arrive Early End Up Running Late” on the net…

    Regular media reports of the “smallest / youngest premature baby” without follow up or appropriate discussion of problems and costs (financial and emotional) …do nothing but create unreal expectations in parents and families.

  • Thanx for shareing your story! I used his picture on a power point for class of what a 25 week old baby looks like outside the womb. he is adorable and strong. My first child 36 weeks early which is not a lot but I still scary. i can imagine what your heart must be going through. Hugs from one mom to another.

  • Kelly, you should be ashamed of yourself to think that way. I hope you never have a premature baby and if you do, God save its soul.

  • This article made me cry. I can’t imagine how scared you must have been. I hope your little miracle is doing really well, what a trooper! This is a very powerful story. Keep up the faith! And please post a recent pic of him…I would love to see how well he is doing now!

  • I think the negative comment left by kelly is absurd, I was born at barely 25 weeks and yes there were trials but I grew up just fine ……did i mention this was in the 80s when medical technology was not even close to what it is now. i am now 26 years old preparing for graduate school and the approaching arrival of my own little one at the end of the year. The point i am driving at is that we have come a long way in our medical advancements and to say a premie 25 weeks and under isn’ t worth the effort is offensive and shows a lack of understanding and experience with premature births. If anything miss kelly i am living proof that you dear are wrong in your opinion.

  • I think that the comment left by kelly is an uneducated and unsupported opinion at best. I say this because I am living proof of just how wrong her comment is. I was born at barely 25 weeks to a mother who was ill with toxemia. Not to mention that this was in 1985 and since then there has been 26 years of advancement in medical technology. More evidence of just how absurd your comment was kelly is that although there are trials in any premies fight the first little while it is not a waste, I was born in the range that you considered a waste and I have grown up with a normal life active in sports, music advanced academics and am even currently preparing to enter graduate school AS WELL AS waiting for the arrival of my own baby in December. So if you or anybody reading this post still thinks that putting all available resources to preserve the life of a premie even one of 25 weeks and under is a waste then you should do everyone a favor and stay away from procreating. I am proud to be living proof that EVERY premature birth is worth every struggle, every amount of money, and every resource to preserve its life.

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