
The Potty Diaries – Yay For The Potty

“Yay for the Potty!”

by Cari

Taking the little blue potty out of the box was an event for Gordon and I. He was clapping excitedly and making his “oooooooh” noise that he makes whenever he sees a motorcycle or someone gives him a kind of food he really likes. We placed the new addition in our main floor bathroom and brought some of Gordon’s favourite books to take up their new residence in the bathroom’s magazine basket. I sat on the big potty and Gordon sat on the little potty (fully clothed) and we both settled in to read a book or two.

Gordon has always been interested in the toilet. In fact, our neighbours generously loaned us their plumbing snake when Gordon sent one of his soothers on the ride of its life. He always wants to be in the bathroom when either my husband or I are using it, and he has even been known to wave bye-bye when the toilet is flushed. And, of course, like most kids his age, he is totally intrigued with the toilet paper. We had managed to curb that one until just recently. (See attached photo.)

Needless to say, our first few (clothed) potty experiences were very positive ones. Actually, Gordon often initiated some potty reading sessions! I was very happy to continue this way until my sister gave Gordon a book about a little boy learning to use the potty. It was then that I realized it was time to take the next step. It was time for Gordon to experience the potty the way God intended… without the security of his diaper and shorts.

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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