In a heartwarming milestone, the tiniest baby ever born at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center marked an incredible achievement as she “graduated” from the hospital after a remarkable 10-month journey.
Ellyannah Lopez, affectionately known as “Elly,” entered the world three-and-a-half months prematurely in the spring of 2023. Weighing 12 ounces (363 grams) at birth and facing slim odds of survival, Elly battled through chronic lung disease and numerous setbacks during her extended stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
On Friday, Elly’s parents, Cecia Juarez and her family, dressed their daughter in a pink graduate cap, symbolizing her incredible journey. Following tradition, they moved the tassel from left to right, signifying her transition from the hospital to the outside world.
For Cecia and her family, the moment was both joyous and surreal. “Today, we get to take our daughter home after 10 months,” Juarez expressed, reflecting on the rollercoaster of emotions they experienced over the past year. Despite setbacks and uncertainties, the unwavering support of Cedars-Sinai’s dedicated staff, whom Juarez describes as “like a family” to Elly, provided hope and strength throughout their ordeal.
While Elly’s discharge from the hospital is a significant milestone, her journey is far from over. At 17 pounds, she still requires specialized care, including a feeding tube and oxygen support. However, Juarez remains optimistic about her daughter’s future, emphasizing her resilience and determination to overcome every challenge she faces.
As they prepare to embark on this new chapter, Juarez acknowledges the daunting task of introducing Elly to the world beyond the hospital walls. “We’ll go home with a baby who hasn’t been out in the real world… We will have to be there to support her and show her the world,” she says.
Despite the challenges ahead, Juarez is filled with gratitude for the miraculous progress her daughter has made. She hopes that Elly’s story will inspire others facing adversity, reminding them that resilience knows no bounds. “If you can graduate from the NICU, you can do anything in your life,” she affirms.
To support Elly’s ongoing care, Juarez has set up an online fundraiser on GoFundMe, recognizing the financial strain associated with her daughter’s medical needs. Above all, the family remains deeply thankful to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for their unwavering dedication and support throughout Elly’s journey.
As they prepare to leave the ho12spital behind, Juarez reflects on the profound impact of their experience. “To be almost a year later, about to take our miracle baby home, we’re so very grateful,” she says. “We want to take this opportunity to thank Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for everything.”
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