
Liv Tyler Talks About Her Post Pregnancy Baby Weight Struggle

After safely welcoming their baby into the world, one of the first thoughts that crosses every new mom’s mind is how to shed those extra pounds. Unlike celebrities, the majority of women don’t have personal trainers, chefs, or nannies at their disposal. It’s hard to relate to the speedy weight loss experienced by famous moms.

Liv Tyler, someone many women can identify with due to her voluptuous figure, shared her post-baby journey with You Magazine. She revealed that she wasn’t one of those women who instantly lost weight while breastfeeding. In fact, she found herself indulging in cravings for doughnuts and cakes.

Determined to be a stay-at-home mom for the first year, Tyler’s weight struggles hit her when she saw an unflattering photo of herself in a magazine, prompting her to realize that it was time to take action. She embarked on a multitude of approaches, including strict diets, colonics, and various workout routines like Pilates and yoga.

Surprisingly, Tyler bonded with her craggy-faced Aerosmith frontman father over discussions about moisturizers, given her role as the face of Givenchy cosmetics.

Despite maintaining healthy habits, Tyler admits to battling one vice she knows she should conquer – smoking. Although she gave it up for a while after having her son Milo, she fell back into the habit while playing a character who smoked in her last film.

It’s important for all women to know that struggling with weight after giving birth is normal and even some celebrities are brave enough to admit it.


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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