
Accident leads to Discovery of Boy’s Tumor

For the Loukotas being parents to four kids under the age of ten meant to be constantly surrounded by the everyday bruises and injuries common in any family with kids. But even they could not believe the coincidence when a stomach injury to their two years old would lead to the discovery of a tumor that had grown on his liver.

Jairden Loukota

Megan Loukota mother to two-year-old Jairden and his three siblings recalls how her kids were spending yet another day with their usual plays and activities when suddenly Jairden came in the house with tears. The boys had been playing golf when his brother accidentally swung and struck the golf stick in Jairden’s stomach.

“It was an every-day day, something they’d done 100 times before,” recalls Megan but when she saw Jairden she thought, “Something bad just happened – really bad.”

Jairden seemed to be in much more pain than his regular play-related injuries.

“His eyes started to flutter and his lips got really white and just completely lethargic,” Megan remembers.

Jairden was rushed to the hospital where doctors found it was not the accidental golf injury that was the real trouble. Jairden actually had a cantaloupe-sized liver tumor that had burst inside.

“They basically came in and just said your son has a massive liver tumor,” says Megan.

The toddler was immediately operated upon and his tumor removed. But Megan says her son remembers only one thing about the event.

“He kept asking me mom who is that guy in the corner. A guy in the corner… There’s light.”

Megan told him that was an angel who guarded the little boy.

Although Jairden’s tumor has been removed, he will still need to visit the hospital a few more times. But his mother feels that will be no trouble for the brave toddler.

“He’s really been a trooper throughout this whole thing and tolerated everything really well.”

Jairden’s older brother is also feeling a lot better now, realizing that it was the accident that actually helped discover a tumor that could have been fatal.

The Loukotas now firmly believe there are no things such as coincidences.

“We’ll just go through this journey when we get to the end of it see where our next one leads,” Megan Loukotas says.

The accident surely proved to be a blessing in disguise for this blessed baby boy.

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About the author


Atula is a writer, traveler, and a nature-lover. She is also mom to a boy who seems to have inherited all her creative genes. When Atula is not busy making up stories with her son, she writes for numerous magazines, websites, and blogs. She is also working on her site on endangered species called

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