Baby Abigail is now living with her birth mother in Florida after her adoptive mother rejected her because the infant was born with Treacher Collins. This rare genetic condition affects the bones and tissues of the face and causes underdevelopment of certain facial features including the jaw and cheekbones. The little girl may need reconstructive surgery later in life, but Treacher Collins will not prevent her from living a normal life.

Image by Oksana Peery Photography
Abigail’s birth mother Christina Fischer realized that she was in no position to raise a child when she discovered that she was pregnant. With the baby’s father no longer in her life, Fischer – who had already raised one daughter – was basically homeless and living in an RV. Because she doesn’t believe in abortion, Fischer made the difficult decision to look to the long-term welfare of her unborn child and put the baby up for adoption.
She thought she had found the ideal mother to raise her unborn child. A family in Georgia would adopt Abigail, and Fischer communicated with the prospective mother throughout her pregnancy. Prenatal testing was normal.
Fischer gave birth to her “perfect little girl” in January. When the baby was diagnosed with Treacher Collins, Christina let the adoptive mother take a wristband and visit the new baby in the hospital NICU. The woman came out crying and immediately left the hospital, never again to be heard from.
The adoption agency involved was “appalled” by the behavior and has reportedly flagged the family in the agency system.
The moment was a turned point for Christine and she realized Abigail was meant to be with her.

Image by Oksana Peery Photography
Because she is not able to work, Fischer has set up a Go Fund Me page to buy clothes, diapers, wipes and other necessities for the baby.