Micro-preemie Premature Babies

Amillia Taylor Turns 2!

The world’s most premature baby ever is celebrating a very special birthday.

Amillia Taylor, born at just 21 weeks and weighing only 10 ounces, turned 2 years old yesterday.


Her proud parents told Local 10’s Laurie Jennings that Baby Amillia now weighs a healthy 26 pounds and is 26 Ā½ inches tall.

Amillia Taylor

Amillia is also taking steps in their Homestead home and sounding out her few words and developmentally progressing very well.

And some more great news — Amillia’s mom is pregnant. A sister for the miracle baby is due Christmas Day!

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • Well Happy 2nd Birthday Amillia!!
    Hope you have a good one…
    and congratualtions on your new sister that is on the way
    you will make a great big sister

  • This story give me hope for our granddaughter who was born on September 25th. Tayana weighed only 13 oz. at birth and dropped to 12 oz. She was 9 inches long. My stepdaughter was in her 25th or 26th week of pregnancy and required an emergency c-section. Tayana just turned one month old, and now weighs 1 lb., 1-1/2 oz. (every littie bit counts!). She will soon begin steroid treatment and we hope that will allow her to discontinue use of the oscillator. No other visible medical problems at this time however. At six weeks they will run several tests on her including her vision due to the oxygen, and I am so hopeful after reading Amillia’s story. Happy Birthday Amillia! You are a miracle!

  • As the mom of a 24 weeker, I wish your granddaughter the VERY best.

    13oz’s is a very small micropreemie that will need lots of love and care. We also chose steroid treatments to get our son off the ventilator and it worked out well for us.

    Growing them in the NICU is only a small part of their success. Making sure that they stay healthy after they leave is also key to these babies making it past their first and second birthdays.

    Our son also see’s many therapists to help him hit his milestones.

    Please keep us up to date on Tayana’s progress and tell your daughter to stay strong!

  • Happy Birthday Amillia I just read about your story Amillia is a mirical and a beautiful gift she was placed here for a reason God has great plans for her oh how lucky are the people she will come a cross in her life. I cant wait to hear more about you I had daughter that was also born early well thanks for sharing the story GOD BLESS

  • Congrats on the on the progress! I wish you the best, as I understand what this is like. My daughter was born April 8, 2009 with a birth weight of 1 lb 1 oz (17 oz or 490 grams). She is still currently in the NNICU as of today on June 7,2009, but is now 2 lbs 10 oz ad growing! The only thing we have been told that is a negative so far is that she has retinopathy of prematurity stage 1 zone 2. The good news is the stage hers is has been known to correct itself. The doctors will keep monitoring it.
    Again, I wish your little girl the best in life, health, and happiness.

  • this is nice to hear.a few days ago i lost one of my twin boys at 19 weeks and 6 days.my second twin is 21 weeks today and doing well so far.i hope he makes it as far as he can and his brother watches over him.this story gives me hope for my remaining child.

  • As a semi-young (21) mother to be I am so happy to hear about amillia and all these other premature babies doing so great. Because altho i feel confident with my pregnancy you never know what can happen. But most of all, its made me really happy (tears in eyes) that I decided to keep this baby and not have an abortion like everyone tried to make me do. I am so grateful to god for giving me strength and courage to stand up for my unborn child. Because you just never know.

  • This is amazing šŸ™‚ makes me so bitter about abortions though as while this litle angel fought for her life, other innocent angels were killed šŸ™

    Well done to the doctors who saved her and god bless the family x

  • There is so much precious in the life of a child. Amilia is one of the wonderful God gave being a child. She will continue to inspire us as well as her loving mother that brought her to life.

  • I really like the spelling you chose for your baby. I’ve never known of anyone who spelled it the same as me! šŸ™‚

  • I saw a picture of her little feet at the time of her birth and tears started rolling down my cheeks…it’s just amazing how something so small can not only survive but continue to thrive as a full-term child would.

  • Happy birthday Amillia! You are a precious gift from Heaven. I am 22 weeks and was looking for pictures of what a 22 week old baby inside the womb looks like and saw your story. It made me cry and yet it made me happy. You were so beautiful at birth. I wish you all the happiness and love in your life. May you continue to grow healthy and strong. Congrats on your baby sister! From Mommy and 22 week old inside the womb Destiny Rose we send all the love.

  • Wow…im not a mom or anything but congrats on your baby girl she is BEAUTIFUL!! hope everything works out well.. Much LOVE Alexus Branscome!!! <3

  • Wow…im not a mom or anything but congrats on your baby girl she is BEAUTIFUL!! hope everything works out well.. Much LOVE a.M.b <3 <3

  • Congratulations!!!
    Though I wish thousands of other prematurely born babies were as lucky as Amillia. Way too many of them either have not survived or now are dealing with horrendous disabilities šŸ™

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