Doctors shows Jenny Masche one of her sextuplets, baby E, born Monday, June 11, 2007, in Phoenix, Ariz.
Sextuplets born in what their father called a surreal moment were breathing on their own Tuesday after five were removed from ventilators.
New dad Bryan Masche, 29, said he and his wife, Jenny, 32, had tears of joy as their three girls and three boys were delivered by Caesarean section.
“It was unbelievable,” Masche said on NBC’s “Today” show. “The team was just incredible. Everyone moved like a symphony, an orchestra. Really amazing. I almost felt like I was outside of my own body — looking in on the entire thing. It was amazing.”
The sextuplets were almost 10 weeks premature and weighed between 2 pounds, 1 ounce and 3 pounds. The couple, who used artificial insemination, had the first successful sextuplet delivery in Arizona.
Five of the babies were immediately placed on ventilators to help them breathe for their first day. The doctors “have assured me that all the babies are doing really well,” Masche said.
“They’ve also had their first meal and had to have their first diapers changed already,” he said.
The babies will be named Bailey Elizabeth, Savannah Jane, Molli Grace, Cole Robert, Blake Nickolas and Grant Williams, but Masche and his wife, Jenny, had yet to decide who gets which.
The Masche sextuplets were one of two sets of sextuplets born in different states less than a day apart, a rare occurrence but one that fertility experts say could become increasingly common as more couples seek artificial methods of conceiving babies.
Brianna Morrison, 24, who used fertility drugs, gave birth just before midnight Sunday in Minneapolis, about 10 hours before the Masche babies were born.
“It is something that we’re going to be dealing with more and more,” unless doctors learn how to reduce the risk of women having four or more babies, said Dr. F. Sessions Cole, a pediatrics professor at Washington University in St. Louis.
The fact that all 6 of these babies are breathing on their own is an absolute miracle. Brian should be very proud of Jenny for getting these babies to 30 weeks. She did a great job.
Grand Canyon University has already stepped up and offered scholarships to all six babies when they are able to attend University. The anticipated tuition hit of $1.2 million for Bryan and Jenny Masche of Lake Havasu, Ariz., may be too much for them to bear. With the generous gift of full scholarships for all six children from Grand Canyon University, the burden of paying for college tuition for the Masche children is completely covered.
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- One Of The Minnesota Sextuplets Dies
- Arizona woman gives birth to sextuplets
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