
Babies Groove To Fisher-Price’s Beat Induction

My boys have always been less interested in kid’s music and have always preferred the top 40 hits and dance music I played in the car. For this reason, toys that were MP3 compatible were always popular for us early on.

In February, while at Toy Fair, I was introduced to a new line of toys that Fisher-Price would be debuting that was a departure from how they had created toys in the past. Bright and bold, the collection had two goals; to get babies grooving and moving. Not only were the toys designed with neon colors, but the accompanying music resembled the sounds you would hear at a nightclub.

Beat induction is the process in which a regular sequence of tones, lights or beats occur regularly and/or equal time intervals while one listens to music or other sounds.

Fisher-Price believes in this process and has developed an area of toys that offer rhythmic sounds, patterns and music using this beat-based rhythm process.  The lights and colours emphasize the beat, which also gets little ones moving.

As soon as they are able to pull themselves up babies often have a tendency to bounce.  Through the use of musical tones, sounds and rhythms, the new collection plays to this natural instinct.  These toys also help teach cause/effect relationships and cognitive development.

Bonus! Right now Fisher-Price is having their Celebrate & Save event, which has a $5 off coupon for the Ballcano(pictured above) and many other toys that may be on your holiday list.

“Disclosure: I am a Fisher-Price Play Ambassador and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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