Special Needs Children

Baby Born With Severe Disability Beats Odds, Enjoys First Visit With Santa!

When little Jaxon Buell was born in August 2014, his parents learned that the infant suffered from Mycrohydranencephaly, which is a rare condition where brain tissue is replaced with fluid, instead. Doctors were certain that the little boy would not survive the week, let alone a month. But Jaxon is a fighter, and despite the odds, is now almost 15 months old, and recently had his very first visit with Santa Claus!

Jaxon Buell with Santa

Jaxon’s dad, Brandon Buell posted a photo on Facebook of Jaxon staring at the family’s Christmas tree, and despite the odds, the Buell family sees a lot of personality in their beautiful son. Brandon said, “In 15 months of being with us, Jaxon is learning to talk, walk, speak, smile, laugh, communicate, can certainly hear and see, and is making strides to even eat on his own, showing promise of one day kicking the only machine that he is actually dependent on, his feeding pump, and all of this with the severe disability that he has, against the odds, and against the doubts that have been there since before he was born.”

Jaxon Buell with his mom and dad

The Buell family understands that Jaxon may not live very long, with Brandon saying, “Jaxon may ultimately live a shorter life, but he will, as so many other special needs children also will, impact and inspire more lives in their time with us than I or so many others will that do not deal with their struggles. For all of those who truly see, understand and embrace the real purpose of Jaxon’s life and story, we continue to thank you for supporting and being a part of it.”

Jaxon Buell xmas card


About the author


Jennifer is a stay-at-home mom who spends her days chasing around the never-ending ball of energy that is her son. By night you can find her at her computer, drafting up her next great blog post about parenting with chronic illnesses. She is also an avid photographer and jewelry artisan.

She is the founder of the Fibromyalgia support website, www.fibro.me, where Fibromyalgia patients can go to gain support, learn how to advocate for themselves, and spread awareness of this still relatively unheard of condition.

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