I have long been a fan of ‘old fashioned’ etiquette, in fact one of the things I liked most about my now husband back when we were teenagers was that he held the door for females where many other guys did not have the common courtesy to do so. My oldest son is non-verbal but some of his first signs were please and thank you and remain a consistent part of his sign language vocabulary without us having to prompt him. This book was a great refresher for our family for those areas in which we may have become a little slack with proper etiquette.
While this book is for a broad audience and not necessarily just for children, it is a great reference for parents to help implement proper etiquette early in their childrens’ lives. With topics such as table manners, invitations, thank you notes, dating, chewing gum and cell phones, all families are sure to learn something of value in this fun book Where IS Your Mother?
The layout of this book makes it an easy read from start to finish, however, each topic is contained in its chapter allowing it to be a quick reference guide at any time. Ava Carroll-Brown is not only an etiquette expert but also a highly sought-after wedding/event planner and has had many opportunities to observe where society needs to brush up on their social graces. This book is filled with detailed examples of situations that she has encountered, shared in a captivating way. One such example shows how even a very young child can use proper manners simply with a thank you note:
…When I opened the envelope, a giant Barney-like dinosaur with the words “thank you” jumped out at me, and I realized that this little man, no doubt with the assistance and encouragement from Mom, had handwritten inside, “Thank you for my gift. Love, Tommy.”…
We never want to be the parent of the child that is asked “Where IS Your Mother?” and this book will help us guide them to be the well-mannered little people we desire.
More kids definitely need to use their manners