A two-year-old girl has surprised everyone by making an almost complete recovery after spending...
Category - Amazing Kid Stories
Cuteness Overload! Toddler and Orangutan Create A Special Bond
The Dailymail has the amazing story of Emily Bland and one-year-old orangutan Rishi. The two met at...
9-Year-Old Girl Delivers Baby Brother
KCRA-TV is reporting that a 9-year-old girl has become a hero in her family after helping deliver...
8 year-old Dalton Sherman’s ‘Do You Believe in Me?’ Speech
Dalton Sherman was selected to be the keynote speaker for the Dallas area Convocation because this...
Three Year Old Sleeps Through Lightning Strike
During a recent storm, lightning struck and blew a hole in the bedroom wall of a sleeping toddler...
Super Nanny Rescues Toddler from Coyote
A quick thinking nanny pulled a two-year-old girl from the jaws of a coyote after it attacked the...
Mail Carrier Catches Falling Baby
A U.S. postal worker is being praised for her beyond-the-call-of-duty package handling skills. Lisa...
Amazing 3 Year Old Saves Great Grandmother
Three year old Jaiyden Dorsey surprised her family with her quick thinking after her Great...
Pioneering Surgery Cures The Boy Whose Blood Flowed The Wrong Way
Three year old Alec Hutchinson, was born with a rare condition which caused the blood vessels in...
Vietnamese Orphan Recovers After Life Changing Surgery
Ten-year-old Hoang Son Pham suffers from a vascular anomaly in which tightly packed clusters of...
4 Year Old Boy Swims With Beluga Whale
While at Marineland this summer, we were thrilled when our son got to feed the Beluga Whales for...