When my son was born in August of 2005 16 weeks early we met many other families whose children...
Category - Premature Baby
Miracle Baby Saved with Plastic Sandwich Bag Well on the Road to Recovery
Just three months ago, little Emily Cressey and her mother, Claire Cressey, started their harrowing...
Premature Babies Being Aided By Low Cost Machines Made From Aquarium Pumps
When a baby named Chonjetsa was born, he weighed just over two pounds. Born prematurely, his tiny...
Mom Confesses HER Baby Is One Of The ‘Distressed Babies’ Tim Armstrong Was Referring To
No one sets out to have a premature baby. But every year almost 500, 000 babies arrive before 37...
Risk of Asthma among Premature Babies Higher than Previously Thought
According to the World Health Organization, than 1.5 million babies are born prematurely worldwide...
Colombian Newborn Comes Back from the Dead
Ten hours after a newborn was declared dead, a baby girl in Colombia showed signs of life when her...
Preemie Baby Found in Dumpster Reportedly Doing Well
Two young Jersey City boys ended up being in exactly the right place at the right time this...
Preemie Born at 23 Weeks Defies Odds
Little Dexter Brady is your typical happy, healthy three-year-old child. But his life didn’t start...
World’s Smallest Baby Boy Now Four Years Old
In Fargo, North Dakota, Eric Whitehill is a storm chaser. Ironically, a storm that has nothing to...
Hospital’s Smallest Surviving Baby Goes Home!
All preemies have than their of obstacles to overcome, but the smaller and premature a baby is, the...
Doctors ‘Freeze’ Preemie to Save His Life
Pregnant with her third child, Claire Ives was rela at home, listening to her son’s heartbeat with...