The tiny newborn was found early Wednesday morning in the parking lot of the hospital. The infant weighed 1.95 kg and had severe respiratory problems. She also had the cord and placenta attached to her body. Neonatal doctors immediately admitted the baby to ICU where she was put in a ventilator and transferred into a high frequency machine to assist with her breathing.
Special neonatologist Dr. Suresh Chandran who is looking after the baby said that at this point of time the most the baby needs is her mother’s milk, although she is being given nutrition through an IV drip but it is not the ideal situation.
He said, “If I put the formula milk in the baby, there is a risk of getting a condition affecting her intestines and she (might not be able) to tolerate the formula milk (as it) is very thick. So to prevent that, the magic medicine is to give breast milk first. The ideal situation is to start feeding as soon as possible. For that, we request the mother to come in. We cannot start feeding unless the baby becomes stable, probably within five to seven days.”
The team is trying hard to give the baby all the medical attention to let her survive but they are still not sure if she would make full recovery because of the conditions she was born into and is current;y being looked after in the Special Baby Care Unit. “Due to damages of being born into an unnatural environment, the baby needs to be assessed over a period of time whether it will make a full recovery. It is not an instant answer we can give. “Said Dr. Chandran.
As a resort to save a precious life the doctor appealed to the unknown mother in a press conference saying, “If you want to save the baby, the first thing I need is after-medicine and life support. We need to (bring) this baby out of danger, so we welcome the mother to come in and join our team to help the baby recover.” – Atula, Staff Writer
Because the chances of this mom coming forward are very slim, local moms who are nursing have come forward and offered milk for the baby.
Dr. Chandran said the idea of setting up the breast milk bank was “good”, and although it has been discussed unofficially, he said, “We need to get it approved by authorities concerned.”
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shame on the mom. I dont know what else to say. people are so selfish and stupid. I pray for this baby. May God be with her in her fight for life.