“I [will] never forget this day… Thanksgiving Day, and my baby is born,” said the baby’s father, Ignacio Guzman recalling the unusual birth.
Jocelyn Robinson, his pregnant partner was suffering from severe complications when she arrived at the Mt. Sinai Hospital in an ambulance.
“I was scared… I really, really was,” Jocelyn told an abc local correspondent.
Doctors immediately performed an ultrasound, but they couldn’t find baby’s heartbeat.
Dr. Kimberly Sampson of Sinai Medical Group says,
“I had to sort of be very honest with her and say: we don’t have a heartbeat.”
She called a second doctor who informed the family that the baby had passed away.
“Another doctor came in and said, ‘I’m sorry, your baby passed. We can’t find the heartbeat,'” said Jocelyn.
“When they told me he passed away… I just started crying,” said Ignacio.
Doctors believed that the baby had passed away but they still had to save the mother. She had placenta previa, a condition when the placenta is blocking the cervix, and doctors needed to perform an emergency operation.
“The baby did it again, and as quickly as we could possibly — I almost felt like I was throwing the baby at the nurse — like, quick, the team just responded immediately,” said Dr. Sampson.
Noah Ignacio Guzman was born at 3.12 am much, to the surprise of everyone present.
“I’m very, very blessed — I really, really am….God heard my prayers,” said the baby’s mother.
“It’s a miracle — you can’t say anything other than that,” said Dr. Sampson.
Noah weighed 4 pounds, 13 ounces at birth and is currently in the intensive care but doing well.
“They told me he was alive, so it was wonderful — you know, everybody’s happy, everybody’s crying now, because it was life,” said Ignacio Guzman.
“I’m just very, very blessed that me and my son were able to come out of this situation alive,” said Jocelyn.
Jocelyn will be released from the hospital in a few days. Doctors still need to perform a few more test before Noah will join his family.