
Doctors In Pakistan Work To Save Baby Who Was Born With 4 Extra Limbs

Doctors in Pakistan are working to save a one-week-old newborn who was born with six legs.

While lots of question surround the baby’s condition Dr. Jamal Raza, the director of National Institute of the Child Health in Karachi, told reporters, “It is not one baby actually. They are two, one of them is premature.”

After his arrival the newborn’s father Imran Shaikh, who earns the equivalent of $66-a-month, made a plea for help from the government and charities.

‘I can’t afford to visit Karachi and get treatment for my baby. I appeal to philanthropists and the government to come forward for the treatment.’

Stepping in to help the provincial health department said:

‘The doctors are examining the infant to plan for necessary treatment to save the baby’s life and ensure he lives a normal life.’

And while the little guy is possibly the first child in the history of Pakistan to have been born with six legs, Muhammad Qaisar, a doctor at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in Islamabad said he was certain the baby could be successfully operated on.

‘The case will also be a test for doctors and we hope for the better,” he said.

So far baby boy is in stable condition but still in need of medical care to prevent him from infections.


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

1 Comment

  • This little boy breaks my heart. I will be praying for him, for the doctors to have wisdom and his parents. Is there somewhere I can keep up with him?

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