Hiking, biking, fishing, camping, it’s summertime and summer was made for outdoor fun. But, outdoor adventure has a nasty foe. That foe’s name is Lyme disease. Superhero parents need to educate themselves on their nemesis so they can fight back and avert disaster.
Lyme disease, if left untreated, can have nasty consequences like arthritis, numbness and paralysis. If it is caught early, however, the disease is easily treated with antibiotics.
Lyme disease is transmitted by black-legged ticks (aka deer ticks). Ticks are a parasitic insect that attach to other animals, i.e. birds, deer, humans. They gorge themselves on the blood of their host and, in the process, get a piggy-back ride to a new location. As a result of this piggy-backing, Lyme disease can now be found across North America, though the highest concentrations continue to be along the East and West Coasts and the Great Lakes region.
The best defence is to avoid being bitten in the first place, and no, that doesn’t mean imprisoning the kids indoors all summer. You need to know your enemy.
Ticks like to hang out in long grass and are most likely to attach themselves, to you and your family, when you are in or near grassy areas. Dress yourself and your children in long sleeves and pants when gallivanting in high risk locations. Tuck pant legs into socks to create a tick barrier. Stay in the middle of trails and pathways and avoid brushing up against the long grass along the perimeters. I know it’s nearly impossible to keep young children from venturing off the trail, but try.
Government websites recommend the use of bug repellents containing DEET. Many parents are not fans of this method, but it is an added line of defence when roaming in very high risk environments. Use your discretion.
It’s a good idea to wear light coloured clothing. Black-legged ticks are very small (about the size of a freckle) and dark. It’s much easier to spot them against light colours. Speaking of spotting them, check yourself and your children for ticks frequently. An infected tick is much more likely to transmit Lyme if it has been feasting on its host for 24 hours or more. Catch a tick bite early and it’s more likely to be an inconvenience than a cause for alarm.
If you happen to find a tick that has defeated your multi-layered defences, use tweezers, as close to the skin as possible and remove it. Place the tick in a container and bring it with you to visit the doctor. The doctor will want to see the bite, will want to know when and where (geographically) the bite occurred and may send the tick away for testing.
Lyme disease has the potential to put a lid on your family’s summer fun, but now that you’re educated on early detection and tick avoidance, you and your family can relax and enjoy the great outdoors. – Jen R, Staff Writer
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Great article! ..any article spreading awareness of Lyme Disease is a great article. Just the one thing I’d like to say is that some studies have shown that the likelihood of an infected person showing a ‘bull’s-eye rash’ is far less than originally perceived (as little as 30% in one study :0 ah!) All this means is that it is that much more important to be aware of the other symptoms and NOT rely on your kid producing a rash! ..less ‘lyme literate’ doctors will say “no rash, no Lyme Disease” but this is very wrong. Now you know better 😉
With one trip to the grocery store and a couple of components, you can actually cure Lyme disease in lower than seventy two