
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Talks About The ‘Binky Fairy’

A tired looking Elisabeth Hasselbeck spoke to ladies on The View this morning about how she has eliminated her daughters pacifier.
Calling her saviour a ‘binky fairy’, the normally perky host, recounted the song she made up and how it was going now that Grace’s stash of binkies has been given to a more needy child.

A while back, I did a post wondering which, method of soothing parents would prefer their child to adapt.

I have heard the story of the binky fairy, done a few different ways and have always wondered if it works.

It seems that Elisabeth did everything that should work, but instead she is up all night with her 3 year old suffering through her withdrawl symptoms.

When you finally decided to wean the pacifier – What worked for you?

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • Like Elisabeth we went cold turkey. There was no binky fairy. We went the big boy route and told our son that big boys don’t use pacifiers, just babies like his little brother.

  • We are at the start of what I am calling our “fairy” journey. We are using a product that we found that is based on the binky/pacifier fairy. It lays out the process and comes with a 7 day wall calendar with stickers and book to prepare our daughter for her new friend “Sunny Duck” to come visit on the last day when the fairy comes to keep her pacifiers safe forever. She is quite excited to meet her new friend and I am so hopeful that it will be a gentle and peaceful transition. I have read a lot about the fairy method.

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