New for 2016, Vtech has expanded their Go! Go! Smart Friends to included an incredible castle! The Enchanted Princess Palace is the cornerstone of the collection and a really sweet space for kids to play with.
Measuring 4 feet long when it’s fully extended, the Enchanted Palace was designed with 3 floors of rooms that can accommodate 2 or three kids who are all playing together.
And even though Vtech is known for their electronic toys, they have added some fun classic play areas to the set like a swing, spiral staircase, and kid powered lift. Just like with the other Smart Friends playsets, the Enchanted Princess Palace has magic points kids can position the set’s character Darla onto to hear various phrases that are specific to the location that are positioned in throughout the house.
If you position Darla on the look out in the middle of the palace she will talk about the view, but if you dock her on the magic point in the playroom she talks about dressing up.
What’s fun is she will interact with other Go! Go! Smart Friends if two of them are sitting across from each other in the tea area. This is pretty cute because they introduce themselves to each other and they may do a duet together.
My favorite section of the palace, however, is the ballroom which is right at the entrance. After kids open the front doors with the lever on the outside of the palace, they can place their characters on the dance floor and spin them around using the spinning handle in the living room. What is extra sweet about this is the fountain in the middle of the room goes up and down as everyone dances the night away.
To add a little learning to the set, VTECH has added 3 buttons on the front that teach colors, objects, and numbers. There are two settings and kids can rotate the hands on the clock tower to hear the bells ring and a few songs.
Additionally, there is a kitchen, bedroom, music room and other great areas for kids to create new adventures with their characters.
If your kids have other playsets from the Vtech Go! Go! collection, they can join them with the track to make a small city.
When they are done playing the set folds up and clips together for easier storage!