If you haven’t heard of Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit let me tell you that this WILL become your best friend if you have a baby who is transitioning from sleeping swaddled.
My husband and I have had a lot of luck with swaddling our son, it has permitted us to have fairly decent periods of sleep since he was about a month old. The problem is that he’s really too old (at 6.5 months) to still be swaddled. We’ve had a fear that unswaddling will lead to sleepless nights but we are also aware that if we don’t do the transition soon we could be facing a 16-year-old who needs to be wrapped up to sleep in the future.
To help with this we recently started using the Sleepsuit and have been pleased with the results! The first day we used it, we had prepared ourselves for the possibility of being woken up multiple times that night – but were pleasantly surprised that on our first try of using the suit our son’s sleep pattern didn’t change and we got just as much sleep as we did with the swaddle.
The suit was designed by a mother of four and pediatric physical therapist, Maureen. The Magic Sleepsuit is designed to be introduced at approximately three months of age when most babies are growing out of swaddling and transitioning into larger more spacious cribs from smaller sleep environments (cradles, bassinets, etc.). The Magic Sleepsuit provides babies with the comfort they need by muffling those twitches and startle-type movements that can wake them prematurely, and by keeping them cozy and secure making it easier to go to sleep on their own or fall back asleep if woken. The suit is designed to aid the baby’s sleep patterns but also gives the parents and/or caregivers peace of mind that their baby is getting adequate rest necessary for appropriate growth and development.
The Magic Sleepsuit is currently available in three colors (pink, blue, and yellow) and two sizes (small and large). The small is designed for babies approximately 3 to 6 months of age (12-18 lbs) and the large is designed for babies approximately 6-9 months (18-21 lbs). The Magic Sleepsuit has a cozy microfleece outer layer, a soft cotton inner layer against the baby’s skin, and a layer of poly-fil in between for just enough warmth and comfort. My son looks a little bit like The Stay Puft Man in it (which we think is adorable), and he seems to love it!
It is recommended that babies transition out of the Magic Sleepsuit by approximately 9 months of age, the age when babies are sitting, crawling and starting to pull to standing independently. This is also an age when good sleep patterns should be established.
In our opinion Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit is the perfect baby shower or new baby gift!
GIVEAWAY: Maureen and Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit are offering ONE Growing Your Baby reader the opportunity to win a Sleepsuit in whichever size or color is desired. (Valued at $39.95)
Congratulations to our winner: Christine L.
*Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit was provided to us for testing – Thank you!*
i want to win it to give to my best friend who is expecting her first baby any day now!
im a friend of yours on FB
i like baby merlins on FB
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetheart/statuses/1964123860504576
Luvschweetheart AT gmail DOT com
follow growing your baby on facebook
I’ve watched my 4 month old granddaughter still startling herself awake shortly after her nap or sleep begins, and think the Baby Merlin is just the best idea! And thank you to the Sleep Lady for her great tips too! I’ll tweet about this!
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetheart/statuses/2349829992747008
Luvschweetheart AT gmail DOT com
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetheart/statuses/2761854472425474
Luvschweetheart AT gmail DOT com
my daughter is cranky and fussy all the time, due to her teething.. she cant find a good position to sleep and sit still… if this works, I’ll be your biggest fan!!!
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Luvschweetheart/statuses/3071763663556609
Luvschweetheart AT gmail DOT com
I’d love to try this b/c I am about to give birth to my second son and the weather is going to be cold…I’d rather him wear a comfy sleep suit than risk him getting tangled in covers. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I’m a fan of Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit via Facebook. un:codipayne codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I follow you on twitter. un:codisweepstakes codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I’m a fan of you via Facebook. un:codipayne codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
it would be perfect for my little cousin – always looking for gifts
I would give this to my cutie of a goddaughter, Grace.
I would love to win the Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit to help my 4-month old baby cosy and sleep better in comfort!
I’d love to win because I swore by swaddling for my daughter, and I’m due with my 2nd in 2 months and would like the transition from swaddling to no swaddling to be easier
I follow you on twitter as MelodicMom
would look so comfortable for my daughter