Because my husband is in car sales, he is fanatical about how we keep our vehicles. He sees vehicles that come in every day that are ruined from car seats, snacking kids and little ones climbing all over with dirty feet.
For this reason, we have mats under our car seats to prevent the seat from getting mutilated and I have been known to make the boys take their boots off when they get into my vehicle on muddy days so they don’t ruin the back of my seats.
So when Britax recently introduced kick mats for the back of the seat and I was first in line to get a couple for my car.
Easy to install, these new seat protectors come in a pack of two and have mesh pockets to help with storage as you will be covering your back seat pockets when you place them over your seats.
The mat itself is made of a nylon material that can be easily wiped if your child uses it as a place to rest their feet while you are driving and the mesh pockets are divided into two to create a spot for a beverage and possibly room for books, crayons or games.
To position in place simply slide the bottom elastic over your seat and then fasten the snap around your headrest and tighten. I had both installed in less than 5 minutes. Once in they fit both the seats nicely and blended into my interior.
As most parents know, you can’t stop your kids from kicking the back of the seat. Britax’s kick mats will now take the abuse and keep my interior pristine until my boys are bigger!