I tested the Joey seat on the Quad. The Quad is a fairly compact stroller that has a much smaller footprint than other 3 wheelers. I was a bit concerned that this might make the stroller feel a bit tippy with the tall seat on this more upright stroller, but it was absolutely not a problem. I tried the seat with my 20 pound 8 month old and my 25 pound 23 month old. We went for a very long ride over some pretty bumpy terrain, popped over curbs and even over sidewalks that inclined to the side and the stroller felt perfectly stable. No matter where I went the Quad felt secure with absolutely no tipping. Both children had a turn sitting in the front in the Joey seat and both loved it. My 23 month old didn’t want to go home and loved riding up front. It was just as easy to push with two on board as it was with just my daughter.
The Joey seat is a great improvement on an already great option for when you need an extra spot for your older child. The seat is easy to put on and take off and you can even fold the stroller with the seat in place. It’s a bit thicker fold, but not by much really. And it’s so convenient to have the option. With 4 children, we love that we can use our Quad as a single or add an extra seat and have a spots everyone on the rare occasions when all 4 need to ride. The Single retails for $80.00 and the Joey for the Twin retails for $100.00. As with the previous model there is an optional canopy. The canopy is also new, so you cannot reuse your old canopy. There is a different canopy for the Single Joey and the twin, but both retail for $40.00. Rain covers are not ready yet, but are expected in mid-October. You can also use the Joey Seat with the Valco Hitchhiker board in place and take three (or 4 on the Twin) along for the ride.
If you’re looking for an option that allows your toddler a spot to ride when needed, this is a terrific choice. Available for the Quad, Matrix, Tri-Mode EX and a second version for the Twin Trimode EX, this offers you such great flexibility and improved comfort and space for your children. If you have three children, especially if you have twins and a toddler, the combination of the Twin Trimode EX with the Joey seat, gives you something that is hard to find anywhere else, 3 seats in the space of a double. – Kiersten, Staff Writer