
Feeding and Sleep Schedules Big Concerns For New Parents

Of all the things that new parents have to worry about, it seems that understanding sleeping and feeding schedules for their new infants are among the top worries. Infant care company Playtex recently partnered with renowned Pediatrician and book Author Dr. Laura Jana to survey moms to find out their top concerns after bringing home their new babies.

For the majority of moms, it was feeding and sleep that ranked the highest on their lists. New moms seemed to be most concerned about how much sleep their infants should be getting, as well as how often the babies needed to be fed.

Of the surveyed women, 57 percent worried that their infants would not get enough sleep within the first few months of life, while 80%  believed that keeping a set feeding schedule for their baby was best.

“Focus your attention on making sure your newborn is waking up to feed at least every two-to-three hours and is getting enough to eat to gain weight and grow as expected,” said Dr. Laura Jana, “Even as babies get older, it helps to remember that not everyone eats the same thing, in the same amount, at the same time, day in and day out – and babies are no exception.”

One in 5 moms  also revealed that having the baby latch on correctly and gas, colic and spit-up were slight concerns. Much higher on the list was making sure they have everything they need to properly care for their baby (57%), minimizing exposure to germs and viruses (52%) and not being able to comfort their baby or stop them from crying (45%). There is no doubt that welcoming a new baby is an exciting, yet stressful event. The results of this study will also re-assure other moms that they are not alone with their concerns. – Summer, staff writer

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About the author


Summer is a mom of three, living life in the slow lane along historic Route 66. She writes, homeschools, gardens, and is still trying to learn how to knit.

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