Toys Featured

Fisher-Price’s Code-A-Pillar Lets Kids Play Their Way!

Debuted earlier this year at CES, Fisher-Price’s Code-A-Pillar teaches kids a new way to play with their toys. This adorable caterpillar is designed with a variety of segments that kids can use to strategize where he will go.

Out of the box, the set includes the main caterpillar and then 8 segments to have him go left, right, straight or light up.

New! Fisher Price Code-a-pillar Review - pieces

Created for kids 3-6 years-old,  all they need to do to get code-a-pillar going is plug the segments into each other. As they add a new segment it will make a noise to let them know it’s there and light it up. Once they have added their sequence they press the go button and he will execute their plan.

We love that there is no right or wrong way to play with this toy so kids are able to mix up the segments and put them back together to send Code-a-Pillar in a different direction every time.

New! Fisher Price Code-a-pillar Review - whole set

To add more fun to the game, Fisher-Price includes a couple tiles to act as directions an ending point. As kids get better, they can eventually try to program code-a-pillar to go around obstacles or arrive at a certain place in your house.

Once kids master the original set they can add additional segments on through expansion packs. The Think and Learn Basic Expansion Pack adds more of the same pieces that come with the original set, while the Master Moves and Silly sounds packs offer new unique pieces that offer more specific skills.

code-a-pillar expansion packs

Code-a-pillar helps kids develop skills like sequencing, critical thinking, reasoning, discovery, memory, problem solving and experimentation. It also shows them that their actions make things happen!



About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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