Baby Gear

Fisher Price Stand ’n Ride Duo Stroller™

Every time I see a mom with a tandem stroller I feel bad for her. I think of the vehicle that must be parked out back to accommodate such a gargantuan piece of equipment and also think of her poor back every time she hurls the darn thing into her trunk.

It was once believed that a tandem stroller was only needed if you had twins, but many moms are having their children close together and are using them to transport a newborn and toddler.

Fisher Price has introduced a great stroller that has an added platform on the back for your older child and a few other features that will come in handy while out shopping or on vacation.

Here are a few reasons I like this stroller:

1. Infant seat latch system conveniently secures baby in the comfort of their own car seat.

2. Active gear with extra room when your family needs it! Traditional stroller seating with an expandable, extra large storage basket, plus snack/toy tray and 3-point safety harness.

3. Stroller seating up front, ride-along platform in the back.

4. Converts to seating for two, with a jump seat for the bigger kids in your family.

Compatible with most Fisher-Price®, Britax® and Graco® infant car seats.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • Hi, I live in Niagara Falls, ON and I am looking to purchase – is anyone selling one nearby or somewhat close?

  • I was wonder if anyone knows how I can order another tray for the front sit because i misplaced mine or lost it??? my daughter loved it because it fit perfect for her sippy cup!!! Please help really need one.

  • I live in Toronto and was wondering if there was anyone who is selling a Baby Trend/Joovy/Fisher Price Sit ‘n Stand stroller? New or used ok.

    Also looking for a Maclaren Triumph or Techno. Any comments?

    Also wondering if the difference among them all in regards to sturdiness and maneuverability.

    Replies appreciated greatly!

  • Hi, I am looking for the Stand and Ride Fisher Price Stroller. I am in the Ottawa area. Does anyone have one for sale?

  • Hello to all!

    I have this stroller and it is an absolute Godsend. I don’t know what I would have done had I not got this stroller. I have 2 very busy boys. One will be 4 in May, the other is 19 months. They both love the stroller. The seat in the back is great – plenty of space. Also the platform is larger than most with lots of room. I have even had my boys on there, plus their cousin and pushing is still a breeze. (19 month old up front, one boy standing, the other sitting in the jump seat) I did have a graco duoglider and it was next to impossible to push. I like my fp much better. And lets face it, ALL double strollers are heavy to load and unload. This one is easy to fold though, with one hand folding system. The joovy and babytrend do not hold a candle to it. We take it everywhere we go walks, zoo, Disneyland. At 4 years old my son loves that he can rest when he wants or he knows that when we get to a busy place or busy road he must get in the stroller. Like I have said – just a perfect stroller!

    The only negative I can think of is it doesn’t have the 5 point harness which is sometimes needed to keep a busy child seated.

    To Trish – I would absolutely buy it used for 125 – great deal! The car seat doesn’t take up all the space. Still plenty of room for 2nd seat. The tray doesn’t come off. You have to push a button and slide it over. It doesn’t release.
    Vicki – The seat does recline. Not all the way down, but similar to a recliner at home. They could sleep peacefully.

    It is however, difficult to find. No longer in production (not due to recall) Some have found a Big Lots, but this was mainly in late last summer. Craigslist and Ebay are a good place to look. But, if you want it new and are willing to pay original price for it you can find it on It is 149.99 and with shipping I think it came to 189 something. That is where I purchased mine. It like the junk/old people gadget magazines that your grandmother gets. But, hey at least it is available.

    Just thought I would pass my experience along. Good Luck!

  • Hi! I’m in Reno, NV and I have a Fisher Price Stand N Ride Duo Stroller. Used only 3 times. My kids are very independent and refuse to ride in strollers. Paid $200 at Babies R’Us. Is in excellent, basically unused condition. I still have the original handbook it came with. Am willing to sacrifice it for just $100+shipping. If you are interested ( I would have to calculate shipping), I can ship it to you. If you have paypal and are interested, I would be happy to sell it 🙂 thanks!

  • Not every town has Big Lots though.
    That’s certainly an awesome price
    But retail for them where that store isn’t available is almost double that…something to keep in mind…

  • I have a Fisher Price Stand n Ride Duo Stroller in great condition for sale if anyone is interested. I live in Colorado Springs, CO and would be willing to ship, though I’m not sure how much it would cost. I’m asking $95 plus the cost of shipping. If interested, you can contact me at

  • OK! I bought one for $99 at Big lots! It took me about an hour to call all my area big lots to find one then an hour to drive to the closest one and back. I also had found one on craigslist for $70 but didn’t get her reply until i made it nack home with my pruchase.

    I LOVE this stroller!!! It is significantly easier to steer than my full double and SUPER easy to fold/unfold. I love the shopping bag option and my preschooler loves the jumpseat! We will use this to replace our regular single stroller as well as our double!

    To answer my own questions above-
    The front seat reclines almost all the way back, love that.
    The wheels are foamy I guess but still seem sturdy. The wheels are big & wide set.

  • I just want to give my opinion – I had very recently bought a Baby Trend Sit n Stand because I couldnt find this one – I just found one today and went to pick it up and all I can say is it is much better the the Baby Trend.
    Its so easy to use – fits in my trunk (which is quite small in fact) and it is truly not that heavy – I can just tell from the feel that it is built better. I also had a very easy time pushing it through the snow which was awesome.
    ***** for sure!

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