The district only has about 300 students in total, and of those students – 14 are twins and 9 are triplets. All but two sets of the multiples were actually born into the district, according to Susan Blankenship, the elementary school principal.
The local newspaper gathered all of the multiples into the school’s multipurpose room for an interview and found out more about each of the children.
During the interview, one little boy was mistaken for his brother.
“He’s Conner, I’m Carter,” Carter Endorf said.
Conner and Carter are part of the Endorf trio. They and their sister Kendra are pre-kindergarten students in the district. Reporters found out that the trio is rather shy, but they say that they get along pretty well in school and at home.
The kindergarten class has two sets of twins – Avery and Alyssa Moschell and Elijah and Dawson Schroeder.
The Schroeder twins say they get along well, while the Moschell twins say they are like most sisters and they often argue over typical sister stuff, like who’s going to wear what.
In the first grade, one set of triplets can be found – Peighten, Hayden and Hadley Wallace. They are not identical and they say that they don’t really struggle with standing out as individuals, despite the fact that they are triplets. Hadley is generally thought to be the oldest of the three because he is the tallest, but Peighten is actually the oldest; Hadley is the youngest. They say they argue quite a bit, but they do get their school work done amidst their squabbles.
The Kayser twins, the Haag twins and the Hailman triplets are all in the third grade.
The Kayser twins, Aselin and Emilee shared a story about how they once fooled their grandparents by switching clothing.
“She wore my glasses and we changed clothes and coats,” said Emilee.
After about ten minutes, the girls started laughing.
“I said to our grandpa, ‘You don’t know why we’re laughing, do you?’” Emilee said.
The Haag twins, Tanner and Toby, say they argue quite often.
“He’s really annoying,” Tanner said about his twin brother, Toby.
The pair have had be separated in class and they wrestle in school and at home.
Triplets Thailan, Tyson and Tanner Hallman make an interesting trio. While they say that they all get along pretty well, Tyson and Tanner apparently fight pretty often. Thalian says he often has to play mediator for his two brothers. In fact, they even argued about which side of Thailan they should sit on, while Thailan just sat there patiently, waiting for them to work it out.
Austin and Drew Robinson, fraternal twins in the seventh-grade, say that they aren’t identical, but they are still mistaken for each other often. They pointed out several differences that should help people distinguish who’s who, like the scar on Drew’s left eye.
The Robinson twins say that they fight at home, but they do share some interests, like sports. They also have two older step-brothers that are also twins.
Kierra and Tasha Determan are the eighth-grade twins. They say that they’ve never really looked at each other as twins. They fight at home, like most siblings, but they do share a lot of the same friends.
“It’s just nice to have someone to be close with,” Tasha told reporters.
The oldest set of twins, Deanna and Kevin Mullenburg, are ninth-graders. Until their parents divorced about two years ago, they grew up together in the same home. Now, Kevin lives with his dad in the country and Deanna lives in town with her sister. They say they do disagree on some things, but they do share a lot of the same friends and interests. They also say they enjoy the time they have together, but like that they have some time apart as well.
So how does the district handle all of those multiples?
“You look for whatever clue you can find,” Blankenship said with a laugh.
She says that all of the faculty members have their own method, and despite the challenge you might think it would be trying to keep them all straight, Blankenship says it’s a lot of fun having all of the multiples at their school.
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