Featuring activities that exercise the body and mind like rocking, spinning and tons of bounce actions your baby will strengthen their legs, back and neck muscles while having tons of fun!
The Jump & Learn has 55 Fun Learning Activities that use of shapes, colors, textures and sounds help baby reach a variety of developmental milestones and can help your baby learn through play. It also features toys that can be easily removed for fun and learning anywhere (additional ones sold separately), and a
Evenflo has launched the “Savvy Parents” video series with new additions to the series like “How To Make Nappy Time Happy Time”, and “How To Get Rid of That New Mom Smell” the videos are designed to entertain but also provide a real-life, yet humorous look at parenting moments both moms and dads can easily identify with.
Congratulations to our winner: Brandy
twitter @kaiasmommy
FB at melanie b
how to make nappy time happy time was my fave
The 3rd one was hysterical!!
Thanks for the chance.
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I liked the How to Make Sure Your Kid Isn’t Picked Last video the best because it was so true! We want our kids to excel at everything and we often look pretty silly trying to encourage their behavior 🙂
I like you on facebook as Laura Anne H
I liked the last one how to get rid of new mom smell the best because it’s so true!
I follow you on twitter as @pbandjmama.
I also like you on FB as Felicia King.
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I like the third one! I can SOOO relate to it! Finding time for just a shower is hard, and making sure baby is happy and safe is always a dilema during the shower! Been there!!
Follow you on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
“Like” you on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
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I liked the last one because I relate to it the most. Now showers are a special treat LOL
i like you on fb
i follow you on twitter @clothbootycutie
The last 1, getting a shower in is, let’s face-it with a baby in the house, isn’t always a piece of cake