Multiple Births

Italian Mom Welcomes Sextuplets

Exciting news in Italy today. A 30-year-old mom welcomed four baby girls and two boys, the largest multiple birth in that country since 2003.

According to an Italian news agency, mom and babies all are in good health following the caesarean birth in the southern city of Benevento, near Naples.

However, the sextuplets, who were born after just 29 weeks gestation and weigh between 610 and 800 grams (1 lb, 5 oz to 1 lb, 12 oz), are all on assisted breathing apparatus.

Doctors said the multiple birth probably was due to fertility treatment taken by the woman, and not due to in vitro fertilization as Italian law prohibits more than three embryos to be transferred into the womb.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

1 Comment

  • the 1st italian sextuplets are born 30 year ago… a january 11 !!

    the last italian sextuplets are born in 2000 (2 died)
    In 2003, a Sicilian said that she was pregnant to sextuplets but it was a fake, she has only a big tumor !!

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