Featured Parenting

jäll & tofta ~ A cradle, rocker and bed in one!

German designers Sina Gwosdzik and Jakob Dannenfeldt, have created a beautiful child’s bed that changes as your child grows!

This nifty piece of furniture starts life as a cradle and rocking chair combination. Mom or dad is able to sit and rock with a sleeping babe snuggled in the cradle. The seat and cradle rock together. When the little one has outgrown the cradle, the entire bed is able to be flipped upside down to reveal a bed. The bed has removable rails that can be added to both sides or just one side depending on the child’s needs. The mattress remains at a fixed height. When the child is ready the bed rails can be removed and the former cradle and crib is now a child’s bed!

From cradle to crib, toddler daybed to child’s bed; jäll & tofta’s child’s bed is a unique piece of furniture mixing versatility with a modern look.

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About the author


I am a mum, wife, friend, and student. A lover of books and walks, sewing, knitting, museums, art galleries and playing games. I whole-heartedly support breastfeeding, babywearing and cloth-diapering and know that there are many different parenting paths to walk!

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