Jenna Dewan Tatum was photographed attending a Mommy & Me class with her daughter Everly on Wednesday in Los Angeles.
The outing was also a bit of a mommy meet up for Jenna and fellow actress Molly Sims after both ladies were spotted leaving the class at the same time.
Everly was cute in a polka dot dress and beige sweater. Jenna juggled the baby, her Skip Hop Jonathan Adler diaper bag, and her giraffe wubbanub pacifier holder, while holding up her dress so it didn’t drag on the ground.
Becoming a mom, Jenna recently revealed, has been a great perspective change.
“The things that used to maybe worry [me]…[were] replaced by just caring and being there for this little baby.”
It has also changed how she chooses her work.
“You really get a lot pickier abut the sort of projects and even the opportunities that come your way,” she said of being a working mom. “For me I’ve been really lucky because even though I’m working a lot, I’m able to bring her everywhere,” she added. “She comes on set with me every day.”
Parenthood, she says, has strengthened her relationship with husband of 5 years Channing Tatum.
“As a whole, it just forces you to become a little closer, because you have to be on the same page with everything when it comes to making decisions,” she explained. “It’s just like everything else. You give it like, ‘Okay, I have this luncheon today, so you watch Everly and I have this dinner.’ You just become way better at planning!”
And when the couple plan date nights they do it right! Dinner, wine and time out with friends.
“You’ve got to get out and be around adults,” she said joking, “and not be speaking in a baby voice all day long — just for your own sanity!”
We agree!