The newborn appears on the cover of the magazine cradled in her mom’s arms, sleeping peacefully through her first close-up. Only tweeting about the baby a couple times since her arrival, Jessica recently gushed,
I am so in love with baby Maxwell. I want to cry every time I look at her. Motherhood is by far the best thing I’ve ever experienced.
Life has also changed a lot since Maxwell’s arrival, the singer tells People.
“From how I sleep to what I think about, Maxwell has definitely taken over everything!”
Jessica also reveals that she has inherited her mom’s eyes and her dad’s calm demeanor.
“We stare at her all the time,” says Simpson. “We can’t get enough!”
Being a mom, and recovering from her c-section has been a challenge. Nursing, which she does throughout the day, has become “a full-on job.”
Still, “It’s the worst if I have to pump and give Eric a bottle to give her,” the new mom croons. “I miss holding her and having that closeness.”
Congratulations to the couple on the arrival of their beautiful daughter. We look forward to seeing more pictures of the cute family in this week’s issue of People, on Newsstands Friday!