I write a lot about mega multiples on this site because they are rare, but interesting.Ā I have recently started watching Jon and Kate Gosselin’s show on TLC called ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’.
The popular network follows the family through their everyday life of chaos as they try keep peace and control in their home.
The couple has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets, all born by fertility treatments.
Kate delivered the sextuplets on May 10th, 2004. The babies arrived at 30 weeks gestation weighing between 2.5lbs and 3lbs. At birth all babies need to be on ventilators.
With each episode that I watch, I am utterly amazed at Kate’s ability to keep her household under control.
She prepares all of the families meals from scratch and tries to use as much organic food as possible.
The couple estimates that monthly grocery bills only run them approximately $150/week with their monthly bill sitting between $600-$800.
Each baby has their own crib, but they all share a room. Instead of having big bulky highchairs the couple has opted to use wooden restaurant type model that can be stacked on top of each other when not in use.
When the subject of mega multiples comes up, most people argue that it is virtually impossible for each child to feel special in a home with so many kids.
Jon and Kate do many things to give each child an identity and let them all know they are special. Last year for their 2nd birthday, friends and family sang happy birthday 6 times so that each child could have their own birthday song.
This show is reality TV without the backstabbing, scandal and shocking surprises. Kate Gosselin is Betty Crocker,Martha Stewart and the mom next door all wrapped up in one.
They don’t believe in keeping up with the Jones’, they just want what’s best for their kids.
For parents who think that their life is chaotic, watch this show. It will put everything in perspective. This mom NEVER stops.
The show airs at 10:00 tonight on Discovery (US) and Monday nights at 10:00 on TLC in Canada.
I have to agree with Patty Cushman as well lol Im sorry Kate, but she is right. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your show but you really need to chill out on Jon. He is doing the best he can. I know having 8 screaming kids running around is NOT easy and its a stressful job, but dont take it out on Jon. He obviously loves you or he wouldnt put up with your crap. I really admire what you do for your family Kate. If you are actually the one who cleans your house. I know you get help with your laundry. I wish I was as organized as you :O) My kids love to watch your show too. Every time I see your show I just want to cry because my kids are so out of control and so mean to each other. They are 15, 12, 10 and 5 yrs old. You are truely blessed! Give the kids a big hug and kiss from the Gearl family.
i love you show the babys got so big they are so cute and the twins
Hey john,kate+8
I love your show alot,i watch it everytime it come’s on,i love watching your kid’s,they are very interesting 2 watch,see how they grow up.Kate i think you are a very pretty women,john you are a very good day 2 your children.Kate i love how u do everything in your house because i am the same way with the organizing 2 so.Your kid’s are very pretty everytime i see them on the show.I hope that u keep on going with the show because i love watching it. Can u ask 1 of the kid’s 2 wave at me so that way i know that it’s 4 me please,thank u very much john,kate+ 8,i hope 2 hear from u soon.
i really love watching your shows.i have 2grown kids of my own,and a 5 mth grandson and 4yrs old grandson,and they are my world.you have so much patience with your babies,and a great husband who is always available for you.i hope you realize how blessed you are.i’m not marrid now,but when i was my husband was abusive and not there even when i gave birth to my kids.you are really blessed to have a man that loves you and his babies so much.i really enjoy your show and will continue to watch.maybe one day the lord will brig me a man like you have,i can only pray.take care,each and every one of you.god bless you all.my love and prayers
Hello I love your show it is very funny and down to earth. Yall are super funny and when I get stressed out I try yo watch the show b/c it makes my life look so simple LOL… I work full time and have a 8 year old and a 2 year old. They are alot of work but worth every minute.. May God bless you family for many many years..
hey john and kate im rons grandaghter ally (10 years old) i love your show it is very funny at times.is it hard having that many kids? if it is. is it worth it at the end of the show? i love aidan if you can could you ask him to give a wave to ally? if not could he just say hi? how old were you when you had the twins? and how old when you had the sextuplets? how is the new house do you like it? i get pretty decent grades have you ever had grade proplem with the twins? were people always looking at you when you were pregnent with the sextuplets? and when you found out you were pregnent with sextuplets did you think you were ganna get famous?if you can write back if not i totally understand your busy.
heyy im a #1 fan of your show i really enjoy watching it your children are the cutest babies i have ever seen my life ihope you can get back to me well byeee<3
heyy its me again by the way im 12 and i adore hannah maybe if you can tell her to give a little wave on the show to me and i also love maddy i dotn know if i spelt that right maybe if you can tell her to say hello to me lol on the tv that would be ausome so are you happy that you have 8 CHILDREN. Im sure you and your husband love them and sometimes its probley really rough like when you guys were on the plane going to well i forget where but there was to much snow and then you broke out crying i felt really sorry for you but then at the end it all worked out any way im sure you have tuns of difernt letters to read so i’ll let you get back to them well byee and i hope you have a great happy entertaning life and it would be great if you could email me back at meggie_11_11@hotmail.com well ttyl byee swettie!
I love the show. I have two girls 18 and 16 and then I have a boy who is 3 1/2. the same age. John and Kate are very blessed. My son would love to have that many brothers and sisters. He pretents he has a brother named Luke. I am 41 too old to give him a sibling. Don’t be sad about individual attention. My son would trade it for all the fun they have..
I also love the memory verses I see on the show š
Does anyone know the name of the purse Jon bought Kate for valentine’s day?
Hay Gosselins. Its Kendall Silva from Petalum CA. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your show. When ever I watch the show it always makes me smile!!! I think you are great parents and your trying the best you can to raise 8 kids. I want kids one day too but it won’t happen for a long time now because I’m only 13 years old. I have been watching the show since it started airing. Mady, Cara, Leah, Collin, Joel, Hannah, Alexis , and Aiden are such great kids! I would love for the kids to say hi in some way like saying “hi Kendall” or something.
I am so happy I got into this site and read up on your life.. What a great job you both do and the childen are so loving, I can’t wait to see the show I would miss anything BUT NOT YOUR SHOW… I love to meet you all some day!! GREAT LOVEING FANILY! If you can do such a G~R~E~A~T J~O~B with them this age you have not a problem when they reach the T~E~E~N~s I keep watching and enjoying your show LOVE YOU GUY’S Newfoundland is a great place to visit and I find the room if you ever want to come for a visit!! MY DREAM WOULD COME TRUE!!
SORRY MY E-mail is: eileen.harnum@nf.sympatico.ca
If you can ever get a chance to read your mail I can send some realy nice Newfoundland picture’s of alot of pet’s farm’s here! I know how you love the pet’s. LOVE YOUR FAN Eileen
hi i am a big fan i think that all of your kids are adorable and very cute i also think that you two are very good parents of 8 children mady cara hannah leah alexis collin aiden and joel. even though i am only 10 years old i really like and enjoy watching your show it is good and unpredictable !!!!! š
Wow! I’ve never heard of anyone these day with over five or six kids. I come from a family of eight kids and I am the youngest, so I saw this on facebook and thought, “Do they have eight kids is that what this is about?” I’m definitly looking forward to catching the show it looks really interesting!
i jest wented to say i love the show and i wish they will never stop. i never miss a one. kate keep up the good work and dont stop what you are doing you are super mommy
I absolutely love this show!!! I am a 22 year old, an only child at that. I have no idea how I would manage with all those other brothers and sisters in MY SPACE!!! I’m not spoiled I’m just not used to it. Would have loved to have one or two, but I can’t control that, huh. I really commend Jon and Kate for their hard work and through all the stress, wanting to give advice to the viewers. I also commend Kate for having faith in God. “He will NEVER put more on you than you can bare.” As Kate stated in her advice, “Count your Blessings.” Even when you’ve had the worse day. There are many Blessings in store for you and your family in the futute. I pray for a financial Blessing from now until the day they graduate from college! Being in a single parent house-hold (again an only child) I watch my friends struggle fincancially through college, but they made it by FAITH! I pray that nothing stops them from matricultating through college right after high school! I’m in my fourth year in college now and I know you will be proud of all 8 of them, as my mother is proud of me!!
I would love to see this show run until their high school years. If it begins to be too much, we would love to hear of any updates of Jon and Kate plus the lovely 8!
Thanks for encouraging the world!
Keep the Faith, Don’t give up!
I would like to know the brand of the handbag that Kate carries…the one jon gave her on Valentine’s Day.I love the show….my whole family does.We have 5 children.
I have looked for that handbag and cannot find it anywhere. It looks so roomy.