Multiple Births

Jon and Kate Renew Their Vows In Hawaii

With TLC crew in tow, the Gosselins head to Maui as they renewed their wedding vows. Maybe it’s the season finale?


The kids look so cute in their beach wear with the girls wearing flowers in their hair!

The NY Post also reveals that Kate has a book coming out called “Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets” which she co-wrote with Aunt Beth.   According to the description, the busy mom will share

details such as how they chose names; the sextuplets’ birth day of May 10, 2004; and the babies’ weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit are fascinating, as are stories of running a household that was perpetually full of volunteers, looked like “baby base camp” and required carefully sequenced nightly bath time. The Gosselins’ life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • I totally agree Kayla, Jon and Kate have taken advantage of their children to the 9th degree. I am sure it hard to say no when $$ is flying in your doors but enought is enough. Its bad for the kids and will soon harm the marriage. The way Kate and Jon have treated people like Jodi and Beth is really sad. I email TLC daily to have the show cancelled for the well being of the kids and encourage others to do and email ET and all evening tv shows to get on to this, there are child labour laws to protect this but they are being ignored, Do Something now.

  • I never heard Kate say she was going back to nursing after the tups began school. I’ve heard her say she will never go back to nursing. I did hear Jon hem-haw about working for himself now, in the closet. Yeah, his office is in the closet. He seemed very proud of it. But he never said what it is he does do. See, one episode he said he worked for Bob Carson. Two episodes later, he squirmed and said he worked for himself now. Now all we see is Jon working out, going to the post office, taking the cardboard to the trashbin (I assume its from all those gifts sent to them, lol) and bathing, dressing the kids. I think he makes their beds, too, but for sure, he is the official bather. Kate does not do baths. She said that.

    Where do you get your information? Because everything I just wrote came from the show.

  • Kayla I was staing I agree with what you said then I added my own comments sorry to make it sound any different. I just think the show has gone too far and needs to be maybe a once a year special not a weekly thing. I feel really bad for those kids, I think Kates so called fame has gone to her head and bank account and nobody is protecting the kids.

  • Its a television show…..

    No one has to watch it…and NONE of us are in a position to judge anyone. If their families not involved or speaking to them thats personal family problems that im sorry WE ALL HAVE. No ones perfect in any facet of their lives. Who is anyone to talk about what kind of parent anyone is? Who is anyone to say if this had happened to them they wouldnt accept or not accept what they’ve accepted? She’s Kate and hes Jon and its what it says in the opening of the show “THEIR LIVES” if you dont approve your not obligated to watch it, watch something else.
    Personally, I cant enough of the show and love seeing those kids grow up. We dont know where their money is or isnt going. The kids are fed well and look healthy and living comfortably…O.K maybe going to hawii was a bit excessive but honestly they were offered the chance to go why not? they give back and this is kates job now this show is how she provides for her family, none of the kids seem miserable or mistreated. I say if it offends people turn the channel otherwise dont ruin it for the rest of us who LOVE tunning in weekly!

  • So if I saw someone being beat up should I turn away cause I dont like it no! I send emails because I think no I know the kids are being taken advantage of for their parents bank account and someone has to be a voice for them.

  • Anne theres a crew of about 5 (minimum) people there. These kids are being taken care of. Im sure a station such as TLC wouldnt tolerate it, nor have childern that werent comfortable on air. None of them are shying away from the camera or look miserable. As for the bank accounts? Their bank accounts provide for the children. Again its “THEIR LIFE” who can say how they should or shouldnt spend their money? Dakota Fanning was making 10x’s that and theres only one of her. They have 10 of them and are getting paid 65 and epidsode? Well then one episode should cover one year of their childrens college education barely by the time their 18! Most of us video tape our children. The only diffrence is for example, no one would be interested in my videos =), MILLIONS of people are interested in theirs. They found a reality nitch I say good for them!

  • Tanya – I am curious – you seem to know so much about them, pretty detailed. Do you know them? just curious. I have too have video’s of my children, as do many of us – I for one would NEVER sell them to anyone, no amount, sorry. Videos are for memories,not exploitation

  • Anne-

    You don’t know now how the kids are being treated and you don’t know where it goes.You wish it was true so the show would be cancelled but its not.Tanya I agree with agree with you. 🙂

  • Well Discovery, TLC finally returned my calls, I now feel that I did my part in getting this show cancelled and being a voice for the children. Nobody will convince me that this is good for the kids in anyway. They are being exploited and will grow up with a feeling of disconnect. They will feel so special that the world owes them stuff, they wont learn how to wait in line as they are given so much special attention. When they get older they will be mad at their parents for exploting them for cash. Kate really makes my tummy turn the way she treats her kids and her husband not to mention Aunt Jodi who is no longer in the kids lives, if you feel the same please email and call TLC, Discovery and do something abou it. thanks.

  • you seriously called the show? are u kidding me. Thats a million times more selfish then a young family with 8 children “getting paid” to live their lives on television! Millions of viewers LOVE that show including myself.You have no idea what those children will grow up to expect or if they will ever feel exploited. You are definately intitled to your opinion im not saying that but seriously come on now, just because its not your belief doesnt mean its automatically wrong. Jon and Kate are the childrens parents not you, no one ever said you have to agree with what theyve choosen for their children but there are people who agree.
    If they were seriously exploiting their children for cash they should be requesting a heck of alot more then 65k an episode. You realize thats less then 10,000 a family member? If she was soooo money hungary why not have each child earn a salary? No instead on shoot days she has asked for food provided and proper child care(This show is her job, it allows her to be as involved with her children as she can be and still provide, its no different then any other working mother most working moms need nannies/day care)….and she has aunt jodi out because jodi was offered money to appear on the show and didnt like how it was handled, at least thats what ive read.(so its ok for jodi to accept cash and not the rest of the family anne?) honestly no one really knows what happened with jodi and there are two sides to every story. The children may even be grateful that have college funds when their older and well documented moments of their childhood. Theres a show on called kids by the dozen, when those families had their children there really wasnt reality TV and none of them sextuplets and twins basically within 4 years, or im sure those families would have possibly taken the offer.

    Im not trying to convince you of anything. However, your not a voice for any child when you have no idea what those kids want need or will feel like. How would you like people who dont even know you making decisions on whats best for you children? No one says you have like Jon and Kate or how they parent their kids, but there are people who enjoy them, dont feel that their being exploited and enjoy seeing those kids grow up.

    again, if you dont like show or have problems with it turn the channel. Dont ruin it for the rest of us…just cause you dont agree. Thanks more selfish then anything Kates doing!

  • Tanya, again, you must have an inside track to these people to be so “in the know” of what is going on. This is what I see…..Aunt Jodi, check out her sisters website, its not BS, its right out of her mouth! Jon and Kate are responsible as parents to make the right decisions for their children. Having a child turn away from the camera because she wants privacy is not cool and NOT HER CHOICE (Mady shunning the camera’s in an episode). Oh but wait, “its worth 65K Mady for college, let the world see you being humilitated, you’ll thank us when you are grown up” Come on, and yes, I speak from expeirence being the mother of 9 under the age of 12. Don’t see camera’s, Don’t need camera’s. I ask again……Tanya, how do you know so much to defend these people…….inside track? Enjoyment, no – exploitation yes,

  • Mady embraces the cameras as much as she shuns them. When she does shun them, the cameramen remove her from the television. Thats her personality. All im saying is that she may or may not be grateful for the income when shes older…we dont know yet either way. As parents their doing what they feel in their hearts are best for their children. Its all any parent can do. Most of the families with sextuplets have recieved “freebies” the McCaulghy family in Iowa had a home built free and clear, a minivan, 3 years worth of formula and diapers, reseacrh everything that family has been given. They have exclusive magazine contracts and have been given “freebie” vacations as well…..reality TV wasnt big when they were born. Are they wrong as well and are their children being exploited? is anyone calling Good Housekeeping and boycotting their exclusive contract with those kids?No I dont have an inside track. Im a fan of the show….its one of the few shows on televison that I enjoy watching. Your intitled to your opinion, but unless your jon or kate then its really not your business if their parents want to put them on televison and have the opportunity to, thats their right. Just as its yours not to watch it if you dont agree.

  • Your in shock that I called Discovery, really I just dont rant I do something about it. Bottom line there are child labour laws to protect children and they are being ignored as its a “reality show” lmao. To compare the McCaulghy family with the Gosselins is like comparing and ant to a spider. They arent even in the same plane. Doing a 1 or 2 yearly special would be fine but the cameras are in the house 4 to 6 days a week come on. The kids have no choice. Thats my beef. How kate acts to others and how she lies about some of the freebees is a personal thing and oh well. Its the kids and always will be why I do what I can do get this show cancelled asap.

  • As far as being selfish Kate is a RN and could make more than some double working familys make with her working by herself. Kate and Jon are selfish the want easy money so they dont have to get real jobs.

  • ya because staying at home with 8 kids and having your own television show is too easy and thats not REAL work, she should defiantely spend 10X’s the money on day care and work a million hours a week since thats what it would cost to raise a family of that size, then lets open a blog about kate returning to work and watch all the people rip on that choice too….You dont have to like the choices theyve made….However, there are some of us that do.

    How do you know that child labor laws arent being enforced? its a 30 min TV show and about 15 min of the show is jon and kate talking. Doesnt look to me like their working their always playing and honestly living their life. If you really cared about the kids, Youd leave their parents alone.

  • tanya – if you see a child being verbally or physically abused you woud say “its their parents choice”? Kate has often commented on how the kids think of the camera crew as “friends and family”, and quite proud of it to boot!! You are living in a fantasy world if you don’t think there are minor laws being broken here. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that a camera in a child’s bedroom, filming them sleeping, going to bathroom and changing their clothes is a HUGE violations of privacy. I don’t think their is anything HONEST about what these people are doing. As for Tanay, I am sure you know differently.

  • Tanya- kate has said the crew is there 5-6 days a week, thouugh the show is 30 min its takes a long time to get 22 min for the show. The reason the child laws are not being inforced is this is a “reality show” not done on set done in thier home so it can bend the rules which it does. That is why people are now starting to get angry about it. Not that I care about them but I wonder how the neighbours feel about it as well. My only concern is for the kids.

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