Multiple Births

Jon and Kate Renew Their Vows In Hawaii

With TLC crew in tow, the Gosselins head to Maui as they renewed their wedding vows. Maybe it’s the season finale?


The kids look so cute in their beach wear with the girls wearing flowers in their hair!

The NY Post also reveals that Kate has a book coming out called “Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets” which she co-wrote with Aunt Beth.   According to the description, the busy mom will share

details such as how they chose names; the sextuplets’ birth day of May 10, 2004; and the babies’ weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit are fascinating, as are stories of running a household that was perpetually full of volunteers, looked like “baby base camp” and required carefully sequenced nightly bath time. The Gosselins’ life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • see, the way i see it is this… jon & kate had 8 children from only 2 different pregnancies. i don’t see what the problem is with getting outside help and kate staying home to take care of children. the duggars on the other hand just keep having baby after baby after baby. i wouldn’t help them out just because they made a big family on purpose. who has ever heard of having 18 (or however many) children? don’t get me wrong, i love children, i would love to have more. but 18?? yea, if i had 8 children i would take any give out that someone offered me!

  • The bottom line is not parenting style or Freebies.
    The bottom line is these children are actors. Kate called this in People Magazine, the “family job” 2 8yr olds and 6 4yr old work 3 to 4 days a week to support a. your voyeurism and b. their family. on their backs, just like the proverbial “sideshow” I’m glad these children provide you with plenty of family entertainment at their expense. They have really no voice in what they are going to do. THEY ARE CHILDREN. You, as parents, decide their wants and needs and all you have to do is turn the tv to another station to entertain your 4-12 yr olds. Would you want to know these kids were working in a foreign county making your teeshirts and tennis shoes? Same Premise just different location. Be the Parent and stop supporting exploitation by watching.
    Another note, TLC could care less about “family Value” TV it’s in it for the money.. They could give a rat’s butt about the “Gosselins” they want ratings and sponsors. Shame on you for making these children fulfill your need for entertainment. Thats appalling.

  • are u serious…90% of televisions shows have children on them…half tlc now has more and more family reality shows…its kats choice how she wants to run her family…even if they grow up to hate the fact they were on TV…are you happy with every single decision your parents made for you? for those who are great cause let me tell you about 90% arent…most parents do the best they could out of whats best for their family. Kates doing just that…you dont have to like her or agree with her however like she said its their life.

    sidenote there are pleanty of people who would in her shoes do exactly what shes doing. i myself see nothing wrong with it and ik alot of others that watch that feel the same way. everyone has their own opinions…

  • No I am not Kate and neither are you so you have no business talking about what is in the best interest of her kids.If you were truely interested in whats best for her kids and your truely just concerend about the child labor laws then youd do something to make sure that the rules get enforced and the “loop hole” that your speaking of gets changed…not having the show that they grew up on and is basically all they know cancelled!

  • I watch this show all the time. Kate may be doing a great job, however the show is becoming boring. Kate is not a pleasant person to watch. She needs to come down to earth if she wants the show to be pleasant to watch. Stop putting on the airs and stop whining. She does not seem to show respect in her speech and is very condescening toward people.

    The children appear healthy and well cared for, however the one older twin who always appears to through trantrums when she does not get her way is starting to copy her mother’s bad habits. Hopefully for this show to be successful, Kate will stop and think about the new attitude she had adopted.

  • Kate and Mady are birds of a feather. The two are so mad at the world. Kate needs to calm down and realize that she is horrible to her husband. They should re-evaluate their lives. The freebies and money that they earn is not enough in exchange for the negativity that is aimed at Mady and Kate. How would you like to be 7 years old and the nation thinks that you’re such a mean-spirited child. Examples are the Good Housekeeping cover shoot. Mady AND Cara were so un-responsive. How terrible for the world to see how miserable your life is in front of the camera. Jon & Kate need to choose a private life for the sake of the twins.

  • If you dont like the show dont watch it. If you dont like Kate dont watch her. If you think there isnt a married couple who doesnt gripe at everyone now and then, your crazy. If Kate doesnt talk to her family anymore who cares. Get off the computer and raise your own. My mom helps my sister with laundry because she has 6 children. They dont have fancy cars or clothes. They feed their children organic because they can afford it, why compare them to the Duggars who are sickening perfect. Im glad Jon and Kate are on the air, and the more you haters watch and talk about how terrible she is, they more money they make

  • Tanya, you sound like a child who is stomping her foot defending these 2 lame poor excuses for parents. If you actually opened your eyes, anyone can see these people for what they are. You refuse to believe their family (Jody) and still defend them.
    Denial much?
    Problem with the gosselins is they are totally ungrateful and selfish people. They constantly have there hands out and all with a superior attitude and not even a thank you to the many helpers they have had.
    I used to like this show, but I caught on very early and had their number down. I dont like liars, and people who use their children to support them. They are stealing their kids childhood and innocence and it will bite them down the road. Mark my words on that one.

  • Anne, you do not have the right to tell Kate or jon to do because its their kids, their lives,. what they want to do!!! They are not us!!

    Who are you to Judge!!! They are not your kids!!! If you post or anything about Jon and Gosselins, whats the point of watching them or reading about them… stay away from them and dont watch thme if you dont like them!!

  • Joanne thanks so much for your comment as I cant argue with Tanya anymore, she chooses to watch with one eye open so there nothing that will awake the other eye to see whats really going on. If this was a 2 times a year special upate show I could watch it no problem. But the amount of hours these kids have to work (per Kate), the constant lies spurring out of kates mouth, their ungratefull attidued for all the help they have been given is just more than my tummy can handle.

  • i agree with Tanya, Brittany, and M. The rest of you are just jealous. However, go on keep talking about the show positive or negitive, your only allowing the show to stay on the air longer…negitive or positive attention=ratings…O and im pretty sure their endorsements are only going up sooooooo whatever your doing keep doing it!

  • Oh please Leah. You need to come up with something other than the “jealousy” card.
    Why dont I feel the same way about the Roloffs? I am very happy for them and all they get due to their show. Its called being humble and GRATEFUL, something the Gosselins know nothing about. Not only that, the Roloff kids are older and can input their decisions, and Matt said if any of them wanted to stop, it would stop that day.
    Jon and Kate see dollar signs, and are lazy greedy people, who choose to make a living off of their young children, who obviously dont like the camera’s in their faces as we have seen many times.
    Dont even try to say its “editing”. They could be editing out a lot more of “get those cameras out of out faces” or “go away camera man”.. Did you ever think of that?
    How on earth can you argue with their FAMILY and ex friends say? Do you have any insight to this family that the people who KNOW THEM dont?
    Wake up!

  • Leah, you couldn’t be more wrong. The more we talk about it the more people are aware of the lack of rules/guidelines for kids on a show such as this. I check a few blogs daily and the amount of new people posting on them as well taking the time to go to the sponsors sites not to mention TLC, People, Good Housekeeping and so on. So yes lets keep talking about it and viewing the blogs as they are becoming so popular when you google Gosselins the anti-Gosselin blogs appear. A year ago people had enuf of Dog the bounty hunter and expressed so and it was taken off the air until Dog got some help so lets hope that happens with Kon and Jate. Last weeks show Kate said Mady and Cara are being teased at school because of the show….that would end it for me. Knowing that my selfishness and greedy sould was the reason my kids are getting teased at a private school (which we the viewers are paying for) would make me stop and think. Kate and Jon have milked this for all can weekly, trips, clothes, tummy tucks, hair transplants, and so on. Kate has no friends and has left her family at the curb, How sad to go for your free weeding dress my herself. The proof is in the pudding, if you want to drink the Gosselins kool-aid go for it. I choose to see the truth as my vision isnt blurred. I am far from jealous, I have a great life, kids home and so on I want for nothing more.

  • Kate and Jon said on one of the last episodes if the kids want to stop the show they will.The get the “freebies” because it advertises the stuff they get or the places they go.

  • Tanya
    I watch the show and send copies and emails out. How can I get my proof without watching the shows silly. Every commercial I make note of it and send an email off to the advertiser. I am doing all I can to get it cancelled. I dont do not have a neilsen box that counts how many people watch it so it makes no positive effect for them. You dissagree with me I get it. I dont do this to make friends or so people agree with me. Its work but well worth it. Nancy Grace is my new one to see if she will do an episode on it. There are many who disagree with me but the more I look into Jon and Kate and their greed the more I find people who feel exactly the same. My feelings are not hurt at all that you dissagree or even dont like me. You my friend arent the issue.

  • i couldn’t agrre with you more, Anne. I have been writing the sponsors of this show for over 3 months. Kate is the most egotistical person I have ever seen. Shame on TLC an ddiscovery for exploiting these darling children/ Kate is a disgrace to all mothers.. Tale her off the air !! mady says it all with her behavior… get the cameras out of her face…..

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