Multiple Births

Jon and Kate Renew Their Vows In Hawaii

With TLC crew in tow, the Gosselins head to Maui as they renewed their wedding vows. Maybe it’s the season finale?


The kids look so cute in their beach wear with the girls wearing flowers in their hair!

The NY Post also reveals that Kate has a book coming out called “Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets” which she co-wrote with Aunt Beth.   According to the description, the busy mom will share

details such as how they chose names; the sextuplets’ birth day of May 10, 2004; and the babies’ weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit are fascinating, as are stories of running a household that was perpetually full of volunteers, looked like “baby base camp” and required carefully sequenced nightly bath time. The Gosselins’ life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • I am a mother of one and wish I could have more days off. That doesn’t make me a bad mother. I couldn’t imagine what 8 kids would be like. I give Jon and Kate kudos on their sanity levels.

    As for all the freebies. Hell yeah. If it is free I would take advantage of it. I would like to know who would refuse it. Jon and Kate are just a product of reality tv. In today’s society we are attracted to the way everyone else lives. If you watch it you just might buy it.

  • To Anne/Joanne,

    Ummm hello emailing a TV co to get a show cancelled is insane! My solution to shows I don’t like is just flipping the up or down on my remote.

    I’m a mother of 4 and I can say that if i was televised 24/7 I would be sooooooooo critiqued for my moments of being overwhelmed. Unless you are the PERFECT Mother or PERFECT wife (I can promise you no matter how perfect you think you are, you are NOT)….Please just give kudos to a woman who has her hands full.

    Has Kate not numerously thanked the sponsors for giving her children “life experiences” to her children? Yes she has!

    Seriously find a hobby…..When I watch the show Kate gives me the motivation to think if she can do it, so can I! Imperfections and all!!!!!!! 🙂

  • for ANNE – the most selfish and jealous girl in the world!! you had nothing to do so you called the TLC…if you want to be famous do something else!!
    don’t you realize that J & K need the show to support their family of 10? Stop being such a negative person!

  • Joanne I find it funny that you are happy for the Roloff’s whose home is in complete chaos and who (Matt in particular)use their children for every project that can be dreamed up, yet this family who need people to come in and help them because they have so many you have a problem with. Does Matt ever thank his children for helping him? It seems to me that he just expects it. The things that the Gosselin’s recieve they have said they are grateful for and lets think about it some of these things (trips) they would not be able to do without the financial help of the show (the zoo, going to the coast and seeing wild horses, seeing Thomas the Train). The fact that they are able to take that many children to these fun and educational places and do these things is a blessing provided by the show. One last thing I recently saw the end of the episode in which Jon had is hair transplant, Kate did say at the end of the episode that they were grateful for that because it was something that they would not have been able to afford without the show.

  • i think its hysterical that the so called “supporters’ keep bringing up the freebies, etc. Oh and of course they make sure they mention how Kate mentions all the time how gratful they are. Obviously you are missing the point many people are concerned about. I could give a rat’s *** that they get “stuff” Who cares, thats the sponsors and the corporate world doing that. The point is the dangerous road being traveled while excepting the stuff…..again its called explotation, look it up before y’all go ranting and raving how gratful they are……again MISSING THE POINT PEOPLE!!!!

  • I would have to say that some of you must be watching an entirely different show. I was one of four children and my family owned a lot of businesses. I did commercials for them all the time. I worked at the jobs when someone wasn’t there gladly without demanding a paycheck. If people have a problem with this family stop watching, or if you’re just into complaining you could try talking about the slumping economy if you understand it at all. You could talk about the credit crisis if you understood it. You could talk about Pluto being downgraded to a dwarf planet and how now all science books in most school systems are now inaccurate. With a nationally syndicated show they have to be especially careful with child labor laws. TLC as they are in business to make money wouldn’t take the chance of getting into legal problems… as this would make no business sense. Further if you want to argue and rant and have more obsessive tantrums to prove you are right by any means necessary then that only makes your point more irrelevant. There are members of my family and former friends that I no longer have anything to do with for many various reasons. I think the fact of the matter is this children are happy and healthy and are able to do many things they would never have been able to do without this show and the opportunities they have been given. Also as any good christian knows those without sin should cast the first stone. It’s easy to be critical of what they are like when you sit on your butt and don’t do a darn thing. While I think she can be quite agitated and angry as any mother is let alone one with eight children… she has given many mothers with multiples hope that they can survive it.

  • again, its not the point of “stop watching”. Thank God there are people out there who actually care about these kids…..Audy, have you watched the extruciating Good Housekeeping photo shoot in 100 degree weather? Happiness must mean different things to different people. I do not understand how someone could be proud they “have nothing to do” with their friends and family. Maybe it was those family commercials. Thanks again Kate for sharing all your family value. What happens when they all grow up and they decide the want “nothing to do with” their family. How lonely.

  • I love Jon and Kate, and their kids are wonderful. I disagree that she’s turning into a diva. She’s fun and organized, and I admire her parenting. Jon always makes me laugh, and I love how him and Kate can disagree but share a mutual understanding with one another. This is my favorite show, and I’d be thankful if it continues running for many years. :]

  • It amazes me how judgmental our culture has become.

    So much progress would be made if those who are criticizing this family would take a step back and look at the facts:

    They have said time and time again that they never expected to be able to do half of the stuff that they get to experience on the show.

    They did not have a lot of funds before this show. I’m sure they are making a generous income now, and what’s more, they are taking care of their kids with it! Not being selfish. They’re putting it to good use! That is a great thing!

    The stuff that people offer to them and their kids is great! Why on Earth would you criticize generosity?

    Because you feel they don’t deserve it? Do you deserve it more?

    In either case – everyone deserves to be lifted up and cared about. Even the Gosselins.

    The criticisms made by some of you about this show are mostly invalid and misinformed.

    When I began watching the show, I felt that Kate was a jerk and very abrupt. However as I *continued* watching, I realized that she has a strong personality, but they are in no way different from your typical married couple. They disagree with one another, but are not abusive to one another. It is obvious this Jon and Kate AND this family loves one another.

    It is obvious they are blessed. And on top of all of that – It is obvious they are thankful.

    Be happy for those who are happy.

    It is senseless to try and judge people you haven’t met, don’t know. It’s rude to wish ill will for them, or to wish any less generosity that they’ve received.

    They aren’t harming you, so why don’t you try just wishing them the best of luck.

    Though it is unfortunate that so many people are so unnecessarily and overly critical, I’m glad to see that we, as a society, still have the ability to lift people up. And I hope it is applied to other areas of people’s life as well.

  • Wow. The more comments I read, the more I see how pathetic adults can be.

    You’d think the petty high school behavior would stop – especially for persons who feel they are so above others that they might seek to correct them.

    Oh, pardon – those are generally the people who *don’t* grow up.

  • I say go Gosselin’s!!! Kate and Jon are hard working people. Before Kate had the six, she was working and not being a “freeloader”. I persoally don’t see her as being freeloading. They donate to the church and do a lot of kind things for others, so I don’t understand where people see this. Kate can be demanding, but Jon can also hold his own as well. I’ve seen Jon snap back at Kate a few times for something so silly. So really this couple is no different then any other couple. I think that if we were in the same position we’d do the same as they. It is unfortunate that the public has to make rude comments an constantly put people down.

    I say keep going strong Gosselins!!!

    Don’t let the nonsense bring you down

  • If you hate the show so bad that you would make a petetion to end it, then -reality check- act a little mature and just DONT WATCH IT. I personally enjoy the show, but not every thing that comes on the TV! Go take a hike for half an hour and it’ll be over!!!!

  • If you are just goin to sit here and talk bad about the show, then call each other up and do your trash talkin. Leave some space for the POSITIVE blogs. Go blog on a show you actually like.

  • It sounds like alot lot of people who blog here do not know what the word respect means. Do you really think you doing anyone good by sitting there talking trash. I’m almost sure you people people have no idea what Kate’s life is really like so would some of you people shut your mouths and think something positive already!!!

  • I don’t know if the signs in their yard are true or not, but they have the right to do that. If you had people wanting to meet you from all over the country constantly taking pictures or wanting to talk while you were just trying to keep your kids under control while you where playing outside, than I think I would consider something like that too. Plus Jon and Kate really wouldn’t be personable if they saw all the crap you blog about them. And you people (neighbors) see them and there volenteers outside. OUTSIDE. I’m pretty sure you don’t live in their house and see every moment of their life and whether or not their spending thime with their kids. If I was playing with and cooking for little kids all day, than I wouldn’t mind having a volenteer play with them outside while I sat and watched my kids playing and just being kids for a while. Just because they get freebies doesn’t mean somone is raising their kids for them. They still have to work and be a part of their kids lives.

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