Multiple Births

Jon and Kate Renew Their Vows In Hawaii

With TLC crew in tow, the Gosselins head to Maui as they renewed their wedding vows. Maybe it’s the season finale?


The kids look so cute in their beach wear with the girls wearing flowers in their hair!

The NY Post also reveals that Kate has a book coming out called “Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets” which she co-wrote with Aunt Beth.   According to the description, the busy mom will share

details such as how they chose names; the sextuplets’ birth day of May 10, 2004; and the babies’ weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit are fascinating, as are stories of running a household that was perpetually full of volunteers, looked like “baby base camp” and required carefully sequenced nightly bath time. The Gosselins’ life is a whirlwind, with their book reflecting the fast-paced, faith-filled approach they take to raising their twins and their miracle sextuplets

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • About Kate backing into that car- if you had a TV show and somthing like that happened than I don’t think you would just go up to the camera man and say ‘Oh, I just hit another car. Make sure you put that on our show so the whole world can know!’ Not everything that goes on in their lives gets put on their show- and not all of it needs to be.

  • Great show. I like watching it.I don’t blame them for doing it; life with 8 children can be very expensive. For all of you who object, I think that you would do the same if you were in their shoes. You just don’t want to say it. LOL

  • Hey I just wanted to say that i love the show and i try to watch it when ever i can and i think Jon and Kate are great parents. The kids are very cute. Keep up the great work!!!

  • omg – supporters scroll up!!! who cares what they receive, get, pimp their kids for……its the exploitation Jon and Kate allow for their children. Get off the freebie wagon, some people don’t care!!! its the kids they care about……….please DO NOT respond about how grateful they are and how they always say it!! ITS NOT ABOUT THE FREEBIES>>>>>>>>>

  • Get over yourself caty im sure the kids will be fine many kids grow up in the spotlight that turn out fine we just dont here about them very often. Jon and Kate are fine parents.

  • If I was offered freebies I’d take em. They do get some monstrous privileges but they just take them and there is nothin wrong with that.

  • wow I was just watching the new Jon and Kate wedding episode(part 2) and when they were in the chapel practicing for the wedding I have NEVER seen Mady so snotty! I know she has a little attitude problem, but if I had done that to my mom I would have been spanked, yelled at and grounded no matter how old I was. It was incredible how she talked to her mom. But I realized the reason shes like that- her mom uses zero disiple on her (at least on camera). But the little girls were especially sweet. Still love the show.

  • Kate and Jon need to nip it in the bud with Mady right now. Get that child some help or give her a quick one on her rear. That poor child must not have any friends with her negative attitude and nasty temper. If my child brought home a playmate who acted like that, I would encourage my child to find someone else to play with………….

  • i totally agree with chipmunk6 if i was offered freebies i would take them because there free and ya mady was snotty and not all parents use discipline but that girl needs an attitude adjustment for sure, put it must be had having seven other kids who are always around but they try there best.
    I think they’re awesome parents for sure! the show is awesome

  • Whoppers, if you think jon and kate are ‘awesome” parents, there is seriously something wrong with you and your thinking.
    Blind as a bat, obviously.

  • get maddie help? try taking the camera’s out of her face… far as kids growing up in the spotlight, yes they are far and few between but there are some who survive. Those would be the ones with parents who break their backs to keep life normal. Jon and Kate do everything they can to exploit them more and more and profit. …..survivors? how bout asking the Dionne Quints what “suvival” skills they use.

  • Joanne, where are you coming from? (well, obviously not somewhere friendly) I’ve never known a perfect parent, not mine, Jon and Kate, and NOT YOU EITHER. Be considerite please. Plus, think about what happens to most people on TV within two years. They get rich, get a huge house, vacation all the time, buy tons of clothes and drugs and abuse everything they have. I’m impressed that Jon and Kate are still sane and happy and not abusing it.Yes they have flaws and lots of money and privliges, but their kids look happy and healthy and loved. Lay off everyone(and you Joanne).

  • This show was orginally to show people how the day to day life of a couple with twins and sextuplets. At first it was a decent show I thought, but as it progressed it became apparent to me that these parents had let TV and money go to their heads at the expense of the kids.

    These kids will all have emotional problems, because they aren’t allowed to be normal kids. Kate it one very uptight, self-centered, sarcastic woman that is always whining about something. She is these kids role model and Mady is already showing signs of becoming a Kate duplicate. Jon, unfortunately has no credibility with Kate, she acts like he is the dumbest man on earth.

    The Duggar family is great, too bad Kate and Jon don’t watch their show and learn how to be good, christian parents like they are.

    TLC needs to stop paying for Jon and Kate’s vacations, homes and Food and let them make their own living.

  • I LOVE the show but I dont agree on the way Kate treats Jon and I also think there daughter Mady needs some serious discipline

  • I watched the show faithfully in first season but somewhere in the second season, it began to go wrong. I watch it occasionally now to see if TLC has exerted control over the family, of course they have not. TLC is filming an abusive mother and a father who will not stand for his children let alone himself. These parents are not attentive to their children nor are they concerned about the needs of the children. For them the children have become a commodity. The father given up working and the poor children are supporting the family. These parents are sacrificing their children’s wellbeing for gain. It is painful to know that it is still going on. It may be profitable for TLC but it is morally wrong. The producers would do well to imagine these kids as their own – show some pity for these children, stop filming. Please.

  • I have only seen a few from the first season and loved it. I soon became addicted. But recently I have seen the latest ones and was shocked to see her change of behavior. Wow! She acts like the boss, finishing every sentence that her poor husband starts, wanting everything perfect and wanting everyone out there who has the wherewithal, to give her trips and free stays at hotels and spas. Her one girl has only had 2 pedicures in her life! Poor baby. She’s only like, 6! She barks orders at her husband who, from what I can see, has had enough. If she isn’t careful, he will end up with the nanny and the Princess will have her own new show, “Spoiled Rotten and Single.”

  • If video taping your children is a crime against child labor laws then all of us who video our children daily are breaking the law as well, use your common sense plz. These kids are not working they are living their life and who wouldnt use the opportunities they have been given! more power to them!

  • how many of you saw the twins, twins and sextuplets show? I thought that was a real down to earth normal family (besides the obvios fact that their kids came in multiples like that). I think Jon and Kate could take some disipline lessons from them. But I still like the show.

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